
What?! half blood prince next year??

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ok as my name says it i luvvvv twilight but hp is hp!! ughh how cud they do tht??? stupid warner bros!!! they did it i read sumwehre cuz of the competeion they didnt want it

ughh ppl r soo cheap like ur not rich enough! wb wud still make h**l of a lot of money even w/ twilight next to it hp will last thru generations

i mean i am happy cuz i get to see twilight earlier but still!! i wanna see em BOTH now im gonna have to wait a whole ******* yr.....dude by the time deathly hallows comes out itll be like two years later

adn i really wanted to see the setting for the lake scene ughhh whos dissapointed like me?

i bet im gonna have a lot of twilight hates here





    i just finished breaking dawn and its amazing, any way , i didn't get what ur sayoing, are they pushing back the release date of twilight or HP???

  2. They didnt do it cuz they were scared of competition,(HP always tops all movies wen its out), they just did it for the money. Summer Movies always earn more than winter movies, so imagine how much cash its gonna earn. wutever, I'm still excited. go HP!

  3. I'm not as disappointed, the HP movies have kind of gone down hill... i watch them, hoping they get better, but the dark mysterious set isn't doing it for me. I am more excited about twilight right now. (when i found out, i just about blew my sister's eardrums out)

  4. i know it is so stupid i HATE wb

  5. I don't wanna think about it. And most Twilight fans also like Harry Potter. So you have nothing to worry about. Everyone loves Harry Potter, so every author has HP fans. But anyways...I'm still depressed over this because this is the one movie I've been waiting to see.

    But there usually is 2 years in between in each film, so it's not like they did something drastic. I just curse The DArk Knight and Order of the Phoenix for making so much freakin' money. It's both their faults.  

  6. I know right! It totally sucks ***...

  7. Wrong section.

  8. No twilight hater here.  I'm sad about HP though.  But it prolongs it.  That's why I kinda wish they would have left twilight where it was, I don't want it to come too soon.

    Daniel, Emma, and Rupert are going to be soooo old when they do the second part of Deathly Hallows.  I'll probably be in my 30's

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