
What hamster should i get?

by  |  earlier

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should i get a teddy bear hamster,a dwarf,or a syrian




  1. mines a dwarft siberian husky...hamster i mean..haha.

    they are really small and are really easy to take care of them!!


  2. A dwarf for sure. They're very small and don't make to much of a mess. Also, being small, they are easy to move around and their bites don't hurt.

  3. Teddy bear. I have one. And it likes to just lay in my lap. He is cute and fluffy. But, all hamster make good pets. Make sure you change their water everyday, and let them run in their ball at least an hour a day. Good Luck! I hope you and your hamster have fun together!

  4. i would reccomned a syrian hamster as they make a great pet :)

  5. Teddy bear hamster they're sooooo cute!!! :]

  6. Teddy bears ARE Syrians - just a gimicky trade-name for the long haired versions.

    You should get the type of hamster that suits you best! Here's a site that has good information on the differences of the species available.

    None are better nor worse than the others, it's a matter of finding the best fit for YOU!

  7. teddy bear and syrian are two different things!

    dwarfs get many desieses

    if you get a tedyybear;boys are usualy long haired and they have to be seperated

    i didnt know tat and got a boy and girl they matednow i ave 8 hammys if yoou want a free one ill give you one there 5 months old

  8. Teddy Bear, because they're a good first pet because they dont bite as much as other hamsters. Also, they are fun to cuddle with.

  9. The one you think is cuter.

  10. That's a hard decision. Teddy bears are so darn cute, but dwarfs are pocket sized. I personally would choose the dwarf hamster.

  11. Teddy Bear hamsters are just long haired versions of Syrians.  I find these guys to be a bit cuter, but keep in mind their hair needs to be taken care of so their litter doesn't make tangles.  I used to cut some of the hair off of mine around his back end so it didn't get messy.  Dwarf hamsters are neat because you can keep more than one in a cage, but I have heard they are much more territorial (although their bites don't hurt much because they are so small!).  They may also be harder to keep track of because of their size.  Good luck with your choice...I think the biggest difference is just personality of the individual hamster.  I would recommend finding one from someone who has had an unwanted litter instead of a petstore.  I did this and my hamster was already tame and loves to be held.  Most pet store hamsters don't have that type of interaction, and the people at the store wont know much about their individual personalities.

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