
What hand should be stronger during a swing?

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I swing left but am right handed. When I swing I feel that my right hand is doing more than my left. Is this normal, since I swing left. Even when I try to swing right, I still feel my right handed is doing more work.




  1. I would get your left hand to be as strong as your right by working out, or just lay back on your right hand. It probably feels a little akward to have the opposite hand doing the work.

  2. This is an interesting question. I don't know whether this is right or not but I've been playing golf for more than 20 years and my handicap is six.

    I'm right handed. I found that when I hit the ball especially with driver using more with left hand, the ball goes to the right, and with right hand the ball goes to the left. I then try to use both hand equally and it works pretty well.

    There's a small difference when I hit the ball really hard and naturally my left hand works more at first touch of the ball and I try to press up more right into it and the ball draws. The difference must be milli-second.

    Do other find that's true with their swing too?

  3. left hand should be working harder think about it---its the hand that pushes the club

  4. your left hand holds the club and your right hand guides your left

  5. if you are left handed you should use left handed clubs. If right, right clubs. personally I am left handed but learned golf right handed and now to switch would be ssa sdrawkcab.  (*** Backwards)

  6. For a lefty, the right hand will do more of the work with the left hand used as a guide going for a ride.

    It is opposite for righties.

    So it appears that you are normal in this regard.

  7. if you are right handed you should play with right handed clubs. you only create a disadvantage to yourself playing left handed. a right handed person playing with right handed clubs(the right hand provides the kick or release of the club head). if you swing correctly.

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