
What hapend ???

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i was driving the other day and i needed two more exits for my destination...... I dont remember anything else but seeing a sign that said welcome to temecula .... I dont remember driving over there i live in Ontario and temecula is like 2 hrs. away!my brother was next to me he said i was not talking or anything... he doasent remember much either what hapend to me??? this happend to me before but only for a cuple of exits or lights.... tanks in advance for all your help... =)




  1. I read someone that said that you spaced out, and their is a psychological term for it. Its almost as if you fall asleep because of the drive. I mean its happened to all of us. I know one time I was coming home from work and started to pay attention and I had no idea where I was.

    Where you tired? Listening to music, thinking about something? Don't be so hard on yourself.

  2. Either you completly spaced, or you hit some kind of time warp.

  3. You might be blacking out without knowing.  

    Seek professional advice.

    Chronicle these events, in a notebook or journal.

    You might be able to go back in time like

    Ashton Kutcher in Butterfly Effect...

  4. You must have been drunk out of your mind.

  5. since this has happened repeatedly, you should go for neurological test - see your doctor
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