
What hapends if you fail ela?

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plese i worry very much




  1. I'm sorry, but I don't know what ela is.

  2. I hope "ela" isn't code for "spelling" because if it is, then you're in trouble.

  3. What grade are you in? And roughly whereabouts are you located?

    Where I live, if a student fails ELA before high school, they just get moved on, but perhaps with certain recommendations. If it's a high school credit course, they either have to take the same course again or choose to do a lower level course for that grade.

  4. Do you mean the English Language Arts assessment?!? That's the only reference to 'ela' I could find online!

    If so, you should probably stop worrying:

    i) It's a routine test. I doubt very much whether any future employers or tertiary educational facilities is even going to be interested in whether you passed, failed, didn't bother turning up for it, scored 0%, 100% or a minus score.

    Anyway, you'll get an opportunity to do it again in two years time.

    ii) The results appear to be meant more as a way of measuring the standard of education provided by an individual school and *NOT* a statement on your ability as an individual.

    If it's bothering you though, then why don't you just discuss it with your teacher?!?

  5. What's Ela?

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