
What hapens when we die?

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What hapens when we die?




  1. Do you remember what it was like before you were born?

  2. Boatman1...what did you get up on the wrong side of the bed again??.

    .If you didn't like the question why the heck did you bother to click on it and leave a insulting answer.

    Your the one that's bogus not everyone else!.

    Boatman1...he most likely used the astronomy forum because he's looking for a answer that satisfies him in the celestial sense. As for having a second user name I find that immaterial to his question and you don't know that to be fact.

  3. Did you just post this same question above using a different user name!

    If you did please stop TROLLING around the Astronomy forum, posting OFF TOPIC questions..... of a religious nature on the Astronomy topic.

    and I did block you on BOTH of your user names.

    Catlady-- this guy has several different user names and continues to post off topic questions in the Astronomy forum. This violates YAHOO rules-- and is considered spamming.

  4. You have to ask that to a dead person.

  5. i think we will think nothing (same as what we sleep & no dream)

    our bodies decompose

    i think we will become Ghost (really, cos i don't think there will be God!!! If thr is a God, why don HE kill all the bad?) haha

  6. Your body is re-constituted into the earth where it should be so that renewal of other life can happen. Or an adding of biomass to the earth.

    Your soul or your Ka is energy, always has been. It will return to the source which is all of heaven. All of heaven contains and energy field which underlies all creation. That is where you consciousness/soul will return.

    Astronomy speaking, there is no 'truth' to what happens after death occurs. They don't know.

  7.   i was close once

    still don't know

  8. Our corpses begin to decay

  9. As much as I would love to say "our soul still lives and we go to a sacred place called heaven", we really just rot in the ground. But because all of your brain cells die soon after death, you won't even know you have died, so why worry?

  10. we go to Stovokor Christians call it heaven  when I will die I will go to the planet krypton

  11. Please explain what this question has to do with either astronomy or space.  But since you asked your body will begin to decompose.  If you are buried in a casket your body will largely liquify.  Very likely that which was you, those unique chemical-electrical patterns of your neurons, will be lost forever into nothingness.  If you don't like that answer the world offers several thousand religions, one of which will probably tell you what you want to hear.  Your relatives will be stuck with disposing of your body, a task made easier by funeral homes, a specialist organization that efficiently handles such matters.  Related organizations may burn your remains and dispose of them in a manner determined either by your will or the wishes of your next of kin. At your funeral many people will cry and say what a fine person you were, even if you weren't, and "why did he have to die so young?" even if you were 98.  You might be grieved by some to the end of their days.  Others will forget you.  If you have a cat you will have already  been forgotten.  You will probably continue to recieve mail for another year or so.  Your next of kin will be forced to handle your final taxes for the IRS.  In America even death doesn't stop taxes.


    Our vital signs stop and our bodies begin to decay!

  13. well, it is a bit difficult to tell . as no dead people ever told where they went.

    but, i feel that, after death, everything is stopped for the person.he/she becomes non-living and becomes insignificant like non-living matters around us.

  14. Well, your body decomposes, rots, and/or burns, but your soul will go to its rightful place, either way, technically you live forever... forever in peace and tranquility and comfort, or forever in ultimate punishment to burn and never die for not accepting your true savior Jesus Christ.

  15. this body decays and our soul is reborn into a new body

    If it sometimes visits heaven or h**l on its way to the new body I don't know.

  16. If you have accepted Jesus as your saviour and repented then you will be in the first resurrection and Judged at the Bema Seat of Christ. Then you will help Him reign in the Millennial Kingdom.

    If not, you will be in the second ressurrection after the Millenial Kingdom and judged at the dreaded White Throne Judgment and if your name is not found in the book of life... well its not good...

    Just get saved and repent now while you still can... especially since the Tribualtion is about to start.

  17. Our spirit / soul leaves our body and goes back to where it came from.  The body decomposes.  

  18. Remember what it was like in 1800?? I guess not and I have a feeling being dead feels like that

  19. Our soul scatter on the world and soon to be a ghost

  20. Bacteria eat our bodies. It looks and smells really gross when that happens. I imagine that at some point, worms invade our skulls through our eye sockets and eat our rotten brains. If you don't want that happening to you, then you better have your body cremated. Other than that, the world seems to take no notice of our deaths. Earth keeps on spinning just as it always did. And the planets keep going around the sun, as if we really weren't all that important. Try not to die because nature gives the dead no respect at all.

  21. Why should we worry what happens after we die? enjoy the life to fullest and stop worrying about tomorrow.

  22. our bodies decompose. kinda obvious !  

  23. well people believe different things it depends on religion. i'm a 14 year old girl and i have done about this subject in Religious Education and i personally believe that if you have done something really bad in your life such as murder then you should go to h**l as punishment but if you have done something good in your life such as not harm a person in any way or done anything bad you should deserve the right of going to heaven.

    i hope my answer has helped you : )


  24. You don't BREATH.. your body gets to be in the cemetary.. you are REST IN PEACE.. you eyes are closed.. you don't get to go to the don't eat food that i eat now..your lips are pale.. Where do you live? i'm gonna send you a boy which is dead.. and you describe him.. (",)

  25. The thought of being gone for ever is unpleasant and probably the reason religions are found all over the world.

    But there is a tiny scientific possibility that the universe is looping. If it does, then billions and billions of years we will never know of, will pass and we may regain consciousness from the moment we were in the womb of our mother.

    The idea is based on this: We observe the universe as being finite yet unbounded. The chances that this universe can exists as we know it has been calculated to be on in a number with 229 decimals. It is called the anthropic principle. Either it was created for a purpose (the theist idea) or it can exist in any form and we observe only one.

    If time is nearly eternal, what can happen will again. The question then is: is it a new occurrence the new observation or the same event?

    If the latter, then there is a possibility that from our consciousness of the moment of our death, we become again a witness of our life as an infant.

    Of course, that doesn't work well with the big bang and the big freeze  (ever lasting expansion of the universe) but ... the idea of the big crunch (a repeating big bang) isn't totally dead either.

  26. Another baby is born.

  27. your family will fight about who gets what of your property [ money , property , jewelery , ]

  28. Decompose if buried,or ashes and soot if cremated.After that,nothingness.

  29. m a scientist nt a when we die our body rot undergrnd there4 producing manure 4 the soil that we may plant in.if sm1 z dead,there z nothn we cn thnk of besides the fact tht he/she z gone.

  30. You cease to be, you shuffle off your mortal coil, you are an ex person, you are no more.

  31. worms will go in our body after 24hrs then decomposition will start then the worms will automatically die but in the religious way maybe we will go in heaven or h**l i think!?

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