
What happen if I stay a little longer in Canada than the date that they put in my passport??

by  |  earlier

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What would happen to me if I stay a little longer than the date that they put on my passport that I was allowed to stay?




  1. Yes, the others are correct.  If you overstay then it will likely prohibit you from entering Canada in the future.  If you overstay for a long time you will eventually be asked to voluntarily remove yourself from Canada and if you fail to comply you will be deported.  

  2. you probably wont be able to enter canada again

    if your caught you will be deported

  3. Nothing will happen immedately.

    BUT the next time you enter Canada, you MAY be denied entry.  

  4. If you need to stay longer, apply for an extension before your visa runs out.  You have implied status until they give you an answer.  Since they are backlogged and slow moving, you will buy some time even if they tell you no and of course they might say yes.

    Forms to apply for extension can be found here: but make sure you send it early enough that they will get it before your visa is up.

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