
What happen if someone on social security dies???

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I found out my father( which I have not talked to in 4 years.) died in 2006. He was living on his own and was on social security. What happens to the body, and funeral cost?? I guess my real question is did they put him in a box and put him in the ground some were?? I can not find any obtuatries, or death accouncements. He is under social security death index. What is a death index???




  1. You could look up or call the state where he died and find out what their procedures are.

    A death index is the listing of people with social security #'s who have died. It will usually list their name, date of birth (if known) and date of death, as well as location or area of death.

    This actually happened to my grandfather. He died in 1999, living far away from family, alone and on social security. He was living in Arizona at the time. There was no family to claim him, he & my grandmother, who is still living but has dementia, were separated. (he deserted us all) Anyway, no announcements or obituaries, and the state took over. He was cremated and that is it. My mother & her brother (his kids) paid to have his ashes shipped back east and bought a little box on a wall in our family cemetery with a plaque that has his name, date of birth & date of death. There was no funeral either. I am not positive, but I believe my grandmother recieves his social security, they were only separated, not divorced. I also believe she gets his pensions.

    So basically, check with the state or area where he died. Hope this helps somewhat.  

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