
What happen if the projector lamp is not good?

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I have a Dukane Pro Image 8247 projector... just bought it used, and now it has like a red tint at the upper right quarter of the screen (projected image), and to be honest the image contrast and brightness are not very good... So my question is: could that be because of the lamp? I mean is there a possibility to work better if I change the lamp?

Lamp is expensive so I won't buy it if it won't solve the problem.




  1. Lamps generally just grow dim (or can fail outright or even burst), but should not give significantly uneven brightness or colour non-uniformity.

    Lack of brightness could be because of an aging lamp, and the poor contrast could simply be a characteristic of the projector (It's only rated at 400:1 (while low, that may be a more valid rating than many newer projectors that have inflated ratings!).

    It's hard to say, but the red tint sounds like a panel problem more than a lamp issue. Was it dropped or jarred? Maybe one of the panels has been moved slightly .. which could cause focus/convergence issues. On the other hand it could be a panel is starting to "go".

    I really don't know what to suggest. If there is a lamp use counter that may give an idea of lamp life. A new lamp should certainly give you brightness (at 2000 lumens rating you should have lots of brightness with a good lamp!), but the red tint issue is not really user fixable and I suspect as service call may be expensive. Given the cost of a new lamp and a service call it may not be worth it ... particularly given a new projector with better specs can be purchased for $1000 or so.

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