
What happen in year 2000 like the world was goin end

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what happen in year 2000 like the world was going or something like that?




  1. The Big Deal with the year 2000 was that people feared that technology wouldn't work anymore.  Supposedly there was supposed  to be some "Y2K Bug" that would stop computer's and stuff

  2. It was Y2K bug, a computer setting related problem (CS used two digits rather than 4 digits to save space). It was supposed to create lots of problem in airline, bank, software, and .... etc industry.

    It had nothing to do with world's ending.

  3. A lot of people believed it was the end of the world (people keep predicting this all the time - the next is in 2012 apparently) There was also something called the millennium bug, which was that when the clock striked 12 midnight on new year eve 1999 all electric things will stop working/go crazy.

    Well, it went midnight, and nothing happened. Haha.

    You know some people believed it so badly they soled all their things. Or kept extra food in storage just incase the shops closed down.


  4. I can't understand you.

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