
What happen next? after two people cuddle, kiss, and kind of hooked up?

by  |  earlier

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Have you guys ever experience awkward moments where you kiss, cuddle, or "hooked up" with a girl/guy in some ways. Of course there were some feelings involved, but it has not be stated between you guys before, then after that, the next couples day you wonder what is going on between the two of you...

Please tell me eventually what happen and how you guys resolved it? did you guys conform each other or kinda ignore it, or whatever happened?? thanks




  1. communication!!!

    tell em you liek him or whatever

  2. then you have s*x all night

  3. no. nobody wants me. im too unattractive according to like, 95% of the world.

  4. i made out with a guy for 3 hrs straight. then he didn't talk to me for a week and got a girlfriend. i was heartbroken.

    it's a year later and now he wants to be with me after i have had a boyfriend for 6 months. bullsh*t.

  5. oh yeah.....this has happened to me before. someone needs to say something. if you think theres a chance he likes you i would definitely say i have been in this situation and we still hide feelings from eachother and it has actually lead to horribly jealousy/fights. say something please ....either way you will know then.

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