
What happen to Quebec??

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would Quebec separate from Canada?? If Quebec separate from Canada, then Canada have to pay them alot of money because the English Canada paid more taxes. And once Quebec seperate from Canada, I'm sure that alot of people will move out of Canada.It will be easy for Canada to control because they don't have to think about Quebec anymore and Quebec can do anything they want and keep their own cultural easily and they having stronger economy.

Quebec also have Forest, hydro-electric, metal, gold, silver, zink & copper.




  1. That debate is over... move on to another question!

  2. As an American in Canada, I just dont get it.  Are Quebecers that oppressed living w/in Canada to want their own country?  They complain about just about everything and get billions in the process from the Feds to keep them quiet.

    If they are to secede, let them take their share of the national debt, lets see who will be better off?

    Also, wanting their own country just because of cultural/language differences doesn't make sense.....If Europe can come together w/11 different languages/cultures, Canada should be accomplish this w/ ease....

  3. Here's a little known fact that people overlook.....70% of the province of Quebec is a vast wasteland which is good for absolutley nothing, and most of the province's land is owned by the Aboriginals.....

    They would be entirely screwed if they separated and they know it..

  4. Hi!

    I live in Quebec and I think either ways there are good and bad sides. Too many to list.

    Things are fine the way they are right now. Don't worry about it, everyone is sick of the debates and it probably won't happen in our lifetime.

  5. I live in Quebec, and let me say that no, Quebec will never separate from Canada. There's too many people arguing about it and no matter how many people want to separate, there are even more people who don't want it. Besides, I don't think Quebec would be able to survive a year on its own because we depend on too many provinces to support us and we import so much from other Canadian provinces and if we separate, we'll have to pay higher amounts of tax on imports and stuff and it'd be way too ridiculous.

  6. Quebec does not have a strong economy  only thing keeping quebec going is the tax money pouring in from the rest of Canada if Quebec would separated it would be the best thing that ever happened to Canada

  7. You guys are so off the mark.

    The money pouring from the Federal Government into Quebec to silence the separatists is an English Canadian myth, created by your biased media.

    Ever heard of fiscal imbalance??? Quebec is the not the only province complaining about the fact that provinces in this mess of a country are not getting their fair share of the pie. It just does not make sense that  a Quebecer or Ontarian taxpayer pays for roadworks that are being done in Prince Edward Island. Quebec wants to control its own money and more importantly get their due.

    Canada would lose a great deal of natural resources if Quebec separated, especially in hydro - electricity, mining and forest or just the fact that 3% of the world's renewable water is to be found within our borders. The quantity of our natural underground is unmatchable, except when it comes to oil (Alberta), so stop kidding yourselves.

    And if you really want to get into ridiculous comparisons: Where do Canada's most famous athletes come from? what province brings most medals at the Olympics?

    Quebec is not the only place in the world that has a separatist movement. Spain has two (Catalonia, the Basque Country) - Quebec is often mentioned as an example on TV debates (I know, I lived there).  Belgium has been going through a social and political crisis for the past year between the Dutch- and French-speaking communities (who said Europe was all peaceful?), the PM resigned. Those two communities have never been able to get along with one another, just like Quebec and the rest of the country.

    I am leaning towards the separation cause for social and cultural reasons, not political; because I have experienced English Canadian culture, go to school with English Canadians and have English Canadian FRIENDS, and do not find their mentality, their values and their culture to be anywhere near similar to ours. When I talk to English Canadians my age, I feel like we're part of a completely different reality. It's as simple as that! You can easily differentiate a Quebecer from an English Canadian just by the way they act....the differences are intrinsically cultural!

    To me, Quebec does not and should not belong to Canada. It's not about having grudges or being prejudiced against English Canadians, or being downright anti-English (hello? I am bilingual), it is simply saying that Quebec is NOT like the rest of this country and does not belong in this confederation. I am sorry, but I don't feel like I can relate to any English Canadian I have met. René Levesque, a die-hard separatist joined the independence cause after he'd travelled across the country. Many of my friends who go out west to work, come back and say, "They are not like us." And that's whole POINT! besides the political injustices, it is first and foremost a social and cultural aspiration, an identity we wish to strengthen.

    And as long as you have not talked to Quebecers at length, as long as you have not set foot in this province or lived here, you won't be able to fully understand why is it that some Quebecers aspire to become independent.

    Globalization is not just about all countries of this world getting together and forming one big family. It is also about peoples of the world becoming aware of their true identity, after physical/geographical borders have been made according to political agreements or military outcomes. It is about knowing where you stand and where you want to belong.

  8. they would be stupid to do so

  9. It will be worse off because the Canadian taxpayers have been pouring billions of dollars into quebec than it gets from it.  All of the agreements that have been signed with companies in the province of quebec may no longer be in force and the farmers of quebec won't be able to sell their produce into Canada.

    Go or stary I just don't give a d**n anymore just shut the f%#k up about it.

  10. You have it backwards.  If Quebec separated from the rest of Canada, Quebec would have to pay Canada.   An enormous amount of federal money was spent in that province to build its infrastructure, and Quebec would have to pay for it.  Quebec's economy would be in ruins.

    People won't move out of Canada if Quebec separates.  Many people I know would celebrate.

  11. I think that at this point in time, even though the French people would like to see a separate country or their own in Canada to protect their language, ideas and culture, most people would prefer the status quo. A separate country called Quebec sounds wonderful to the French person, but the repercussions may be far worse that the pluses. This could result in higher taxes, adjustments in social programs, pensions, change of laws, government services just to name a few. Many businesses would also possibly pack up and move to other parts of Canada with this uncertainty. What about trade relationships with the US, Europe, Asia to name a few? Let us also not forget about immigrants whose primary language in neither French or English. Last, how about basic rights for English speaking persons as well as immigrants. With all this in mind, it might make sense to stick to the status quo. Of course anything is possible.

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