
What happen to all the 59 dollars 13 inch color TVs?

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I bought a wal-mart branded (i.e. durabrand) 13 inch TV 2 yrs ago priced at 59dollars, now it's almost impossible to get a TV priced under 100 dollars! This is absolutly insane! what happen to the TV market, don't they import TVs from china anymore?




  1. All TV manufactured after 3/1/07 are required to have digital tuners. This increased the manufacturing cost of the TVs.

    And the value of the US dollar has dropped relative to other major currencies. That means when we import stuff the countries sending it to us want more US dollars in exchange because from their point of view, each dollar is worth less than it did two years ago.

  2. go yard sailing for one they r not gonna sell them cheap at stores , maby like 5 years ago!

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