
What happen to ants when dead?

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I have a question where I'm supposed to have a logical answer. We know that when animals die ants come and surround the dead animals. But when ants die, is it the same?




  1. Don't quote me on this, but ants do decompose, but most decomosition is done by bacteria, which cause the smell. So I imagine it's possible for ants to go all canibalistically crazy, but if they don't, bacteria will "Dispose of them", tiny Al Copone Style!

  2. Dead ants can be eaten, most of the time by their comrades, or just decompose away and become fertilizers.

  3. Short answer... they either decompose or are eaten by other animals (ants, other insects, birds, etc)

  4. i have studied the life of ants for years. sometimes if an ant is dead the other workers will bring it and feed it to the larva and other workers. also other insects might find the ant and devour it. sorry about my spelling. if you need anymore help please reply

  5. no......they go to ant heaven.....

  6. Ants pile dead ants up.

    It works like this.  An ant finds a dead ant.  By instinct, she picks it up.  She carries it around until she finds another dead ant, and she puts it down there.  Every worker ant does this.  As things happen, dead ant piles will start to grow.  Small piles will disappear as ants pick up the dead ants and end up depositing them where there are more dead ants.  This is called an ant graveyard.  They are often found in the tunnels of the ant colony; certain chambers are devoted to dead ants.  

    Eventually these ants decompose.

  7. yes, ants bring the dead of their own home to be eaten by larva.  Nothing goes to waste with ants.

  8. Not an ant of the same colony.  When an ant dies in a colony it is taken to a waste pile (garbage heap).  This is to prevent or reduce the spread of germs.  This pile will also cinsist of anything the ants bring into the colony but is not eaten.  Say the seeds of the violet after the nuttal is eaten off.

  9. They decompose as do animals even if not surrounded by ants.

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