
What happen to economy if foreign labour come into automobile industry?

by Guest57711  |  earlier

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What happen to economy if foreign labour come into automobile industry?




  1. Foreign labour would obviously take domestic jobs. It would be foolish for any government to introduce foreign workers into their economy at a time of high unemployment. In reverse, it would be appropriate at a time of low unemployment and skills shortages.

  2. Big business would grow.  The rich would get richer, and the poor would get poorer.

    Why?  cheap labor = capitalists / entrapaneurs make more money.  Unfortunately, the cheap foreign workers take the jobs of your average american citizen at the same time.

    At the same time, you can't blame the foreigners because they're doing the very same thing which our entire society was built on... move here to try and make life better for yourself and your family.  You can't really blame them for that.  Really the bad guys are the capitalists who break the law in order to hire them, and also break it again to pay them under the counter, or less than minimum wage.  Speaking generally here, not just automobile industry.

  3. non union??or union??

    in America??or foreign country??

    not enough info..........

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