
What happen to economy if gas hit $10 gallon regular?

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what happen to economy if gas hit $10 gallon regular




  1. we will all be riding bikes, or making something out of a drill like a bike to get us to work.

  2. well you see how it is at $ it will all be over at $6 in my opinion


  4. I think around $6.00 a gallon there would be riots, revolution something.  The economy is bad now.  I see things rotting in the grocery stores until they throw it out.  I see stores going out of business every week.  Big chains and airlines are in bankruptcy or just going out of business. Nobody budgeted for this.  Even if you did you cannot increase the amount of your paycheck. In my household it is like we are paying 3 extra car payments.  The amount of gas we pay for each month is more than the car payments.  We are spending $1,300 a month on gas in my household and that is after we have cut down on joyriding.  I mean thats a good house payment where I live.  We would have never went out and bought another house.  So, we have had to change our habits alot.  If you spend $1,300 a month you should have about a $150,000 house to show for it.  But on gas there is nothing to show for it.

  5. The way I see it, we're already heading for another economic depression.

  6. you forgot to replace if with WHEN.

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