
What happen to my legs when i sprint 400meters? worst pain , and felt like vomiting.?

by  |  earlier

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literaly sprinted 400meters, and even push harder on last 100.

and after ward, the pain just got worst and worst for 30min.

felt like i was gona vomit and faint.

only in that event. couldnt feel my legs.




  1. When we exercise our body sends oxygen to the areas that need it the most in your case the legs.  To provide more oxygen it constricts the blood vessels and thus the blood supply to other areas of your body, in your case the stomach area and the head.  Certainly a lack of oxygen in this area can cause the nausea and fainting feeling you described.  Are you breathing correctly when you run?  You need to breathe for maximum oxygen intake, it can take athletes years to accomplish this.  You'd be amazed how many hold their breaths through exercise.  Try and get yourself breathing well when you run and this problem should go away.

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