
What happen to the UN in Somalia?

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Hi...well as alarming as it sounds I have a final exam in about 5 hours and well I just woke up from a faint episode because of low pressure due to extreme pain...anyways I think i can handle the exam later with my huge dose of pain killers =_="... I can not do the exam any other day because it is night school, but I studied a little weeks before so anything I get is better than 0....but I according to the outline the teacher gave us, I suppose to know the relations of the UN with Rwanda (wich I kinda know but not the relation THESE days) and somalia, which I also kinda know but I am not sure, so I was wonderion, does anyone knows this? Or does anyone knows what happened to the UN in somalia? Thank you.




  1. Yeah they got their collective asses waxed just like in Sierra Leone!

  2. There are no UN military personnel in Somalia. there are only Ethiopian and Uganda military. there might also be some foreign civilians for humanitarian  work.

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