
What happen when Hillary Clinton lose in North Carolina and Indiana in Spike of the controversy from wright?

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did you know that it's still teflon obama nomination so want you show some respect for your next preisdent of these united states BARRAK OBAMA 2008 .will the racist bubba's of this country come out of thier trailer parks and start burning crosses and roiting in the streets .




  1. I don't care who wins, as long as the next president ends the war on drugs, and the war in Iraq. Both are costing too much money.

  2. Nothing the DNC gave them until June for one to drop out. What will happen is neither will have enough delegates to secure the nomination and the party bosses will decide. They have already entered into a contract with Obama to use his large donor sources for the party for the  November.election.

  3. First off you spelt barack's name wrong, only one 'r'. Second all the bubba's of this country are probably voting for barack with one 'r' because most bubba's are black anyway. The only reason obama is teflon is because people are too worried they will be called a racist for speeking out against him. Oh yeah, and did you hear that a leader of al Quida said that they would like to see obama become president. Do you know why that is? It's because he's soft on terrorist. I Would vote for Barack 'Hussein' Obama if and only if Hillary dropped out, and only because i feel he is the lesser of the two evils.

    Vote for Hillary Clinton in November 08!

  4. If Clinton were to lose in both North Carolina and Indiana, then I would say that the odds were pretty great that she would lose... in North Carolina and Indiana.

    Sorry, were you asking a serious question?

  5. Do you mean what will happen to Clinton in NC and Indiana in spite of the controversy of Wright. Hopefully she will win decisive victories.

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