
What happen when the coal,oil and the gas are exhausted ?

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  1. can you imagne life by eating raw food?it will happen when these exhaust.

  2. one  a day nothing will  left  as the people  are not taking seriously to their own   mother earth and in developed countries their is to uses of coal,oil and  it damage the whole world

  3. We will be back to our basics!

    We will have to walk walk n walk.

    Or probably if we get a few more Einsteins, Or when we become as intellegent as he was, we wud b using, Solar cells, Harvesting hydraulic power, HYDROGEN as fuel, or thru genetic engeneering modify existing organisms to meet human needs!

    Sounds like gud idea!!

    don't worry for unemployed pple b'coz then they'll b employed in these- wud- b fast growing ares!

    Now d picture's a bit clear............

  4. electricity and the positron. Look it up "Popular Mechanic's"

  5. I am quite an environmentalist too

    I guess We will have to go in for cycles and solar powered electric vehicles and appliances....

    But I wish this happens right from now

  6. We'll never know.  That's so far in the future, we'll be dead by then.

  7. hydrogen is comeing up as an potent renuable promecing fuel.

    nuclear reactors are the one of the best option for electric power.

  8. Bullock Cort will take care of the transport.Wood and coal will get exhausted.Cooking may not be possible.So the life will go to the square one.

  9. will it really?

    Some well in the Kuwait area - started out producing 13-14,000 barrels a day -

    Production dropped to 4K bbls/day and they capped them off to work 'better' resources.

    They came back a few years later and tried the old well - and !    8-10,000 bbls/day

    NOW - where did the oil come from? Did more dinosaurs die? or is the earth making its own oil?

    are we being scammed that we are 'running' out of oil

    and paying the highest premium - for a renewing energy??

  10. look up Peak oil & Hubbards curve. the problem comes in a 5-10 years when our inclreasing demand exceeds our capacity to supply from harder to reach sources -

    fossil fuels will become too expensive for general use before they are exausted.

    the stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones.

    there are better ways for humans to live sustainably on a finite planet; but it requires a major shift in our culture & lifestyle away from industrial growth society for this to happen.

    If we don't change expect wars over resources, huge loss of life through pollution, famine, lack of water etc.

  11. Mechanical advantage systems (bikes), horses, and solar will be the norm unless a viable hydrogen gas sytem is utilized.

  12. we will find a solution , trust me

  13. The oil companys will pull out the alternatives that they've had for the past couple of decades.

  14. There may be enough coal and gas, but running out of oil in 5 to 10 years would be traumatic, leading to a worldwide depression at the very least.  There are, of course, other viable sources of energy where oil is now used, but too little development has been done.  For example, there are large deposits of oil shale, even in the USA, but viable technology hasn't been as yet developed. A website called discusses these issues extensively and parts of the site describe survival of the fittest when we begin "Running on Empty".  Propaganda or good advice, I haven't decided!

  15. The Thermal, Electrical energy etc. generated from coal,oil and the gas will be replaced by Solar energy & Wind energy which do not require any raw material.

  16. will

  17. we move on to something else

  18. have water thats easy yeah

    use water instead of coal,oil etc

    get water from pluto

  19. When all fossil fuels are gone, they will be gone.

    That's pretty much it. They will, of course, return one day, but they can be depleted to nothing. Just like you can run out of sugar, the earth is finite and resources are limited.


  21. This question is as important as the effects of global warming.

    1*we would have worked towards finding alternate source of energy .

    2*all the car manufacturers would have stopped manufacturing cars ,instead will be rearing horses & donkeys & mules.

    3*pedestrians will  cross the roads without any fear.

    4* Bicycle manufacturers will increase their production.

    5*Since walking becomes compulsory problems of obesity,cholesterol& related diseases will be on control, doctors & specialists will lose their incomes.

    6*US will withdraw its troops from Iraq & stop the war.

    7*Pollution levels, global warming,ozone depletion - all  will be reduced.  We will be breathing pure air; respiratory problems like asthma, wheezing will be eradicated.

    8*people will still try to get the fuels  in black.

    9*There will be long 'q's in the harbours to board the boats that sail to the the airports would have closed.

    10*There will be chariot  & bullock cart races instead of cars in the  Grand Prix'.

    "Reduce, Reserve ,Save for the future.:"

    This is the briefest answer I could think of.

  22. Coal,oil,gas and alternate is wind,nuclear,solar,Tide,Hydro electric,Bio-fuel and if these too get exhausted then there is ancient science like Telepathy,Teleportation etc

  23. Depends. If people pay head to Bush's warning about the end of Oil in 5 to 10 years, then we will be switching to bio-diesel, and go about our business.

    If the people wait to switch to diesel ( like they are doing) then we will have a global depression that will never be recoved from (80 percent of the people will lose jobs, homes, cars, everthing.)

    Poster: imagine the n**i Jew Concentration camps, now imagine the US Flag flying over the camp, and the Prisoners as US Citizens who are bankrupt being processed into a new genereation of American Slaves.

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