
What happen when you call the cops on your neighbor for having to loud of music?

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I heard that cops won't come right away because there are more dangerous jobs that need to be done first, so I was wondering how long does it take?




  1. If the music that loud and breaks any noise ordinance then something can be done about the loud music, the police enforces the law

  2. Police officers patrol. This means that they're moving around from place to place "looking for trouble" (not to get into obviously, but to resolve). When you call the police, your issue goes out on dispatch received by the officer that is closest to you depending on the situation.

    If your neighbors are being disruptive to the neighborhood, call the police. Even if they don't arrive in time to witness the behavior or at all, it will be on record and the next person to report them will have more favor on their side.

    Also, don't forget what you're calling for: you want the noise reduced. If an officer rolls by, your neighbors might turn the music down and the officer might keep going. This doesn't mean he's giving up, it just means he'd rather "catch them in the act" or simply wants to see if making his or her presence known is enough to subdue the disruption. No matter what, if the noise is reduced, no matter what the method, be happy.

    Remember that laws are in place for a reason. If you feel your neighbor is being too loud, call the police and let them decide. Never think "..that's to small an issue to bring up..".

  3. Umm.... how do you expect us to answer this question?  How would we know what type of crimes the police officers are handling when you call?

    How about when you call the police on them, you ask, "How long until they arrive?"

  4. How about you call your neighbors and tell them that you're gonna report them to the police for disturbing the peace if they don't turn the music down. They'll probably turn it down right away.

  5. Not much... unless they are breaking a noise ordinance then there is no point... Why would you waste the officers time who is just going to come and ask them to turn it down... You can ask your neighbors and if they fail to comply with your "quality of living" request then you have a court case... It's just an utter waste of the officer's time.

  6. Never contact the neighbor yourself in a party situation.  They could be drinking, high, violent, you have no idea. Nearly every community has an ordinance regarding loud music and construction noise, etc. My neighbor mowed her lawn at 6 am and I let her know that in my community the rules are 7 am to 9 pm.  These rules have to be made because many people have no common sense whatsoever. People who use shop vacs and leaf blowers at any hour of any day are simply inconsiderate.

  7. I called the cops on my neighbor's loud party. They had a brass band over there. The dispatcher wanted to know if I wanted in on the negotiation between the officer and the home owner and I said No, that I just wanted to go to sleep.

    When the officer arrived, the party was at a zenith of loudness. It took a while for the officer to get their attention. The noise ceased and the officer left. After about 5 minutes everyone at that house also left. I guess they had an alternate place to party down with their brass band. I gratefully went to dream land.  

  8. Also depends on where you live.... I live in Salem, OR. Across the street is Keizer, OR. In Salem we have a noise ordinance meaning we cant have the music up after a certain time or we can get the cops called, not sure what time it is (Don't really care). But in Keizer there isnt one so you can do whatever and your neighbors cant do **** about it...

    EDIT: I just read someone a few posts underneath me, they said DONT talk it out with them... But thats total BS, calling the cops first thing is gonna p**s them off. I know from experience. Be neighborly and ask nicely, If they are having a party pull the stick out of your *** and join them. Or leave it in w/e your choice.

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