
What happend if I terminate all process on task manager?

by  |  earlier

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I whant to delete a file, but when I try, it desplay a message saying that the file can´t be deleted, is been used by another person or program,

I have deleted some files with this message, terminating some sospicius precesses on task manneger. but I have some files that I don´t know what program is uising it. And I whant to try terminating all the precesses on task maneger, but I don´t know what´ll happend.




  1. Try a restart.

  2. Terminating all process of your computer mean terminating everything your computer relies on to run. You will shut down your whole system.

  3. If you terminated all processes on Task Manager, you might as well be shutting down your system.

  4. I get that often, too.

    It still says it when i close all programs.


    Reload the computer, go into your files, and they should delete normally.

  5. If you do that then you might stop a program windows is using to operating , causing windows to not work and show you black screen.

    If you want to delete a file and know where the file is located on you harddrive. You could Run the computer under window safe mode then delete it. To run in window safe mode simpply press F8 before window loads when you turn on computer.

  6. I thinks most of the people trying to help you here, It's true that if u terminate all the process, ur pc will force to shut down.....It's the fact.

    I think your pc is infected by virus / spyware.

    Try to updates ur ANTI VIRUS and ANTI SPYWARE and do a FULL SCAN.

    It might be difficult if ur pc is not connect to the internet......

    Hope that help....

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