
What happend to my friends and i?

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well ok i use to be a "popular kid" u could say in 6th grade now in 8th grade I'm out and idk what i did some 1 help plz i really want all my old friends back...and suggestions




  1. it happens you guys just grew apart, don't kiss their butts just be cool with who's cool with you and you'll be fine don't let them know that their friendship means that much to you because then they'll rub it in your face

  2. hang out often talk with your friends be cool but not by being one of those bad asses hang around the girls too

  3. Well if they're gonna ditch you like that, than are they really that worth getting back?

  4. ...i don't understand what u mean...

  5. you probably got arrogant and people hate that really!!

  6. if they are no longer your "friends" then they never were friends are people who will stand beside you no matter what whether you are "popular" or not popularity in my eyes is just a measurement of how many people think they can use you but then again i am cynical

  7. you want to be popular... welcome to every teens dreams!!!! ('cept mine)

    i disaprove! but watev you question

    good luck :))

  8. Hmm well have you done anything bad ... and maybe its time to have some new friends..... And maybe there have change and lost intrest ... nothing is happening bad really i quess your finding yourslef or something

    Im the same as you i had heaps of friends And no im in 8th grade and its just i have lost intrest and everyone and i quess who cares really your not gonna see them wehn your older  

  9. obviously those friends werent real friends and dude its middle school for christ sakes. your only cool if you get a lot of girls, do sports, or smoke

  10. do you smoke weed? if so that could be why

  11. Try telling them that... Okayy that may be wierd for a guy just like call them or like start talking to them and inviting them to do things like paintballing or some guyy thing! Then mayb if you guys start hanging out more you will get back to the way u used to b with them.. you know what i mean? If not make new friends its not all about being popular. Find a group that you really like to hang out with! Even if they arent the coolest kids in you grade! But otherwise just try to meet new people! I really hope i helped!<3

  12. I don't know what you are asking

  13. Friends come and go like seasons.  Forget the popular kids because a lot of them are not real friends.  As you get older you'll see those kids are not the true popular ones.

  14. You got uglier?

  15. walk up to the toughest kid and p**p on his shirt

  16. two years ago.. um they probably ditched and don't want you back .

    if they did you would already friends with them and don't worry in high -school

    Good luck xo

  17. if they kicked you out they aren't worth it

  18. Popularity is overrated. And 6th grade woopie f*cking doo. Go outside or something.

  19. Ask them what you did, and don't let them blow you off like that.

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