
What happends if you Simply dont go to jury duty?

by  |  earlier

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i had to go last month but i totally forgot about it and i just saw the letter they sent me in my room?




  1. Most likely nothing will happen. You may recieve a follow up letter and warning that next time you had better respond otherwise nothing. However if this is not the first time you have done this, you may be issued with a stronger worded letter to the effect of appearing in court yourself to be charged.

  2. Bench warrant for your arrest, they may not get to you right away but they will get you.  You may not be able to renew your driver's license for one.

  3. Bench Warrent. Call them and explain and let them know and maybe they will just put you on the recall list or you may have to appear to explain to the judge.

  4. You need to get in contact with them.You have a civic responsibility to be part of this system.Depending on the municipality non-response to a call for jury duty is punishable in a court of law.

  5. Living with a police officer has taught me a lot about the law.  If you do not show for jury duty, the judge will issue a bench warrant for your arrest.  When you are found, you'll face a hefty fine and/or possibly some jail time.  Either go or write the courthouse and tell them that there's no way you can make it - they won't have a problem with that and you won't be in any legal trouble.

  6. The judge may issue a bench warrent for your arrest.  Contempt of court charge.

  7. Contact the court and explain to them that you forgot. They will simply put you back into the jury pool. No harm no foul.

  8. You will probably be fined. Look, all you have to do to avoid it is admit to racial or political bias (even though it's probably untrue) and they cannot knowingly put someone on the jury whose opinion or perspective may already be swayed in a certain direction. That would be unconstitutional.

  9. Most likely nothing at all.  Between 1/4 and 3/4 of people summoned for jury duty simply ignore the summonses.  Courts just don't have the resources to go after them.  (Don't ask me how I know.)

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