
What happened, I don't understand what went wrong?

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I was with my girlfriend for 2 years. We are both professionals with busy careers. We got engaged not to long ago and 4 months later we have broken up. I don't understand she said things wern't going well for a long time but she still took the ring. She saw the house I bought in preparation for her and her two kids. I was ready to take on the role of being a father figure/ husband again she had it made I had insurance coverage for her and I was planning on having her as a beneficiary on my pension plan and I was more than willing to help her out to further her academic pursuits. Why all of a sudden did she call it quits? I never took anything from her not even a dime I was there to help with her and her family. My hard work my hopes and aspirations are now just empty unrealized dreams. Now all I have to show for it is a big empty house and a ring I don't have that she kept. Where did I go wrong? I tried and I worked and dedicated my heart and soul to her and her kids. I guess it's true nice guys do finish last.




  1. She got all that she wanted from you, and now she feels she no longer needs you. If you want to understand motivations of people just ask what was the need? real or imagined. It is that simple.Find someone that is worthy of you and be glad you are rid of her.

  2. she might have been afraid she couldnt give u as much as u were giving her,  consider it a gift that she called it quits.

  3. Consider yourself blessed that you didn't get married to her.  You may love her to death, but it takes two to make a marriage work.  There are women out there dying to be loved by someone as devoted as you, not just money-wise.  You will find someone wayyyyyy better than her and consider this ex-fiance a blessing in disguise.

  4. something must have happend that you know about.  Do you think she has someone else?  I know it's hard right now but maybe it's good this happened now before you moved forward with marriage etc.  The ring was a gift so I don't think you'll be getting that back, though it shows poor character on her part - she broke it off, she should give it back.  If she does decide to try to get back together you should think about that, she may do this again to you one day.. you will alwasy be worried about that.  Try to recover and move past her.  Good luck!

  5. wow that is sad... my future husband is planning the same thing for me & my 2 kids from a previous marriage... he's planning to buy a house for us and he's really loving this father figure for his soon-to-be stepchildren... he also wants me to finish school first and suggest that I not work for the time being...

    That is very nice of you to feel so commited to her; unfortunately, she doesn't deserve a man like you... You are hurt, betrayed and there's nothing wrong with that but you have to move on and be glad that you haven't married her yet or you would've ended divorced... There's a lot of other girls who deserve your love and commitment... move on cus you're far off better without her in your life... There's nothing wrong with you and don't blame it all on yourself...

    Good luck and I hope the best for you!

  6. I guess she just realised she didn't love you enough or in a way that could make the relationship work long-term. At least she didn't take you for a ride, financially speaking. At least she was honest: you deserved that much. I guess what you're asking is, why didn't she love you? Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we were all loved as much as we deserve?

  7. Sounds like to me....this nice guy....finished first. I know your heart is broken at this time, but think what would have happened if you guys had of gotton married and then divorced and she had taken you for every think you had. Be thankful that she left you with your life still in tack. There will be a girl for you and she will appreciate you for what you do and what you have and where your heart is at. Thank the good Lord that she left now...and not later....Good Luck

  8. maybe all she wanted was your money and help . then when you proposed maybe she realized how much you loved her and she started to feel guilty. i know it doesn't seem like it but you are probably better off you need to find someone who appreciates you and all you will do for them .

  9. Because women are cold heartless b*****s. My girlfriend just dropped me for absolutely no good reason. I have been the nice guy my whole life and it has only gotten my heart broke over and over. From here on out I'm going to be an a*****e to all these females since that seems to be what they go for anyhow. F**K 'em.

  10. you gave to much too soon... some females.... get overwhelmed by that! I know I would have. but, look on it at and by the bright side atleast she wasn't a golddigger that just stayed around to pick up your ends of cash!

  11. She changed her mind. On the plus side, you don't have a house with a wife who just married you for a home and support. You really finished on top. True, she bailed. But she had the instincts to bail rather than have you both in a bad marriage. That was nice of her.  

  12. You should be glad that she left before you got married or she would have sucked you dry like a have a home & your dignity. You came out the winner....she must have changed her mind, but i think you should at least ask for the ring back.....she does not deserve it & its not hers 2 keep.....

  13. It's not all about money and the things you did or were were willing to provide - look at all the times you mentioned the things you gave her or how you were going to leave her your pension, etc.  Maybe you are just not "the one".  In any case, she needs to give the ring back because that is a gift contingent upon marriage which isn't taking place now.  It hurts and sometimes it's hard to accept that everything can be in place and look so perfect but it's just not there for whatever reason.  Good luck to you. :)

  14. At least get the ring back

  15. She didn't really want that life with you, for whatever reason.  It's possible she was using you until something better came along or that she couldn't picture a future life with you.  I don't know what went wrong either.  

  16. she probably felt a bit scared about devoting her life to someone. especially since u seemed so serious about her, she might not have been ready for that repsonsibility. she might have also felt u were 2 goo for her since u seemed so devoted and loyal. she might come around. don't worry. and if she doesn't, there are more fish in the sea who would b glad to have a man like u.

  17. What happened was that you were taken advantage of by someone who was using you. Apparently her guilt got to her at some point and she backed out. Consider yourself lucky that at least she eventually had some semblance of a conscience.

  18. I hope you don't mind if I'm being direct. Women like men with plans also confident. Sounds you had given a lot of stuff and plan a lot for her but if it is what she wants? or if you are playing victims all the things makes her feel pressure to treat you good in return?  

  19. Sorry but your avatar is pretty funny. The hat cracks me up !

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