
What happened about 1 million years after the start of the Big Bang? a The formation of helium stopped, b quar

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b quarks became confined

c electrons and nuclei combined to form neutral atoms

d all of the galaxies we see today formed





  1. Not sure aboiut d, but a, b and c happened definitely earlier than 1 million years after big bang.

    Now, a short comment about your religious concerns.  Religion and science are not in conflict.  They complement each other.  The apparent conflict between religion and science is a uniquely American phenomeno, exacerbated by the conservative Christian groups in the USA (who are probably the most fanatical and fundamentalist religious organizations in the world) mainly for political and economical power reasons..  Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews don't see a conflict between their religious beliefs and modern science, quite the contrary, there is a lot of harmony and synergy between both.  Unfortunately, the religious environment in the USA today is very similar to the mentality of the Dark Ages of Europe approximately 500-600 years ago.

  2. a was around 3 minutes

    b was in the first second(s)

    c was around 300,000 years (when the temperature "dropped" below 3000 K)

    d continued well after a million years.  Some of the earliest possible galaxies could have formed around that time.

    I'd go with d.

    Please do not confuse Christianity with what passes for religion in some areas of the USA.

    Also, do not attribute to the Bible information that is not in the Bible.  The Bible does NOT state the age of the world.  The 6,000 year figure comes from James Ussher (1581-1656), a paranoid Calvinist who distrusted all other Christian rites.

    At the time, it was a common exercise to try and determine how old the world was.  When he came with his figure of 4004 BC, every body else in the Christian world immediately dismissed it, because the only thing they were sure of is that the world was at least 7200 years old, with some leaning around 7500 (mostly the Eastern Churches) and some saying a lot more.

    For Ussher, seeing his numbers rejected by the rest of the Christians was actually proof (in his mind) that he must be right...

  3. The Big Bang,well God sais "bang" and the universe was formed and later all that is mentioned in the book of Genesis followed and is still happening as mentioned in the Bible today.

  4. Actually, the universe is more than 14 billion years old.  I really don't like your choices for answers: a, b and c were sooner than 1 million years.Decoupling and recombination occurred 300,000 years after the big bang.  Formation of stars that we see today started much later.  Best answer would be formation of galaxies but this covers such a huge time span since not all the galaxies were created at the same time.  But this answer is better than the others.  

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