
What happened after the French revolution?

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some of the aristocracy lost their heads, what happened to their estates, their assets etc.., and is there now, a new aristocracy in France?




  1. Aristicracy is still in France you have contes, contesses, ducs,...

    Some guy would like to have one new monarchie in France.

    Nobless is just for fun now. Some have money but not so much. One old familly can buy the titre if she wants.

    Aristocracy is not only the castels owners. every body could buy one. and lose the time for maintenance too!

  2. There was no general confiscation of Aristocrat property nor were those executed killed, at least in theory, for merely being aristocrats but for alleged counterrevolutionary activites.

    There was a general confiscation of the property of the church however.

    There was a proposal, known as the Ventôse Decrees, which sought to confiscate the property of emigre aristocrats but they were never actually implemented.

    The French Revolution was a classic bourgeois revolution which did not generally affect property rights (other than those of the church).

    As to a "new aristocracy" there is little doubt that France remains firmly in control of the bourgeois.

    I recall what Mao Tse Tung said when asked to evaluate the French Revolution, "Its too soon to tell."

  3. Their land was confiscated, but most took whatever they could take with them out of the country. After Lewis the 18th came to power, the aristocrats got their property back.

  4. After the French revolution, Najoua Belyzel took Paris by storm!

  5. all the muslim took the country, what a shame, - from a jewish french gal

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