
What happened between princess diana and prince charles?

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she was with another guy at the time of her death. What happened between her and her husband? And did he happen to plan her death?




  1. Where have you been?  They Split up years ago. and no what can prove he had anything to do with her death... but would would think so...

  2. I was a bit astounded by your question since there are many well-researched biographies on the pair.Charles had a mistress named Camilla Parker-Bowles.He never really gave her up.Diana has been well-documented

    saying that "There were three of us in the marriage."

    Diana was a modern woman who did not want to be like so many aristocratic women who's husbands,and selves,had affairs but stayed married.Diana appealed to the Queen for help,but even the Queen could not make Charles give up Camilla Parker-Bowles,who is now the Duchess of Cornwall.

    Charles and Diana tried to stay together.Diana really wanted the marriage to work out,but she was very emotional about the lack of sensitivity,support and understanding that she wanted.Diana took revenge by upstaging Charles(he was jealous about the media attention she received),and then by secretly helping Andrew Morton write DIANA: HER TRUE STORY.In this best seller,readers heard Diana's side of the story of the marriage.

    Diana's death was ACCIDENTAL.Even princesses die in car crashes,this one caused by an impaired driver,excess speeds and lack of seat belt usage.

  3. = I suppose that many men don't get married until something happens that they know it is "time". Prince Charles would be getting more pressure than most men once he was over 30.

    = One of the great influences on Charles life was his father's uncle, Lord Mountbatten who wanted Charles to marry a respectable girl (a virgin of suitable heritage). His advice to Charles to sow his wild oats but to marry by the age of 30 and settle down. The girl he had in mind was his granddaughter Lady Amanda Knatchbull. He began writing about this prospect to Charles even when she was barely out of puberty.

    = It was somewhat hypocritical advice since Lord Mountbatten himself had been having numerous affairs all of his married life (supposedly some of them homosexual).

    = Lord Mountbatten had some history at matchmaking with Charles's parents. He was very careful to see that the 13 year old Queen Elizabeth was escorted by the handsome 18 year old Cadet Philip on her first visit to Britannia Royal Naval College. Eight years later they were married.


    =Tragically on 27 August 1979, Lord Louis Mountbatten  was murdered by an IRA bomb planted on his boat. The bomb also killed three other people immediately. On the same day as this murder, the IRA killed 18 British soldiers in the "Warrenpoint ambush" . In the confusion one of the British soldiers shot two English tourists, one of whom died later.

    = When Lord Mountbatten was murdered Charles was 30 years old. After the murder he proposed  the Lady Amanda. The granddaughter of Lord Mountbatten was now 22 year old . Having just lost a grandfather, a grandmother, and a little brother to an IRA bomb she was understandably horrified at the thought of joining the inner circle of the royal family. She rejected his proposal and within the year he was dating Diana Spencer.

    = It appears from all accounts that Diana was infatuated with the fairly tale romance, but Charles may have had initially cared for her, but regarded her more as a respectable wife.  He never stopped loving Camilla, whose past marriages, age, and appearance made her unsuitable for royal marriage.

  4. Evidently not much!

  5. What cave were you in?

    They split up YEARS before her death!  It hasn't been proven the royal family had anything to do with her death, but...

  6. The problem was that NOTHING happened - it was an arranged marriage, they got together enough to have two kids, and then there was nothing to hold them together, even as friends.

    I don't think he planned her death, there is no reason why he should, he didn't hate or despise her, he had no feeling for her at all.

    When there is no embrace, there can be no separation.

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