
What happened if I eat an expired stuff?

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I have an expired instant noodle..

it has been like one year...

should I eat it?

what happens if I decide to eat it?


thank you




  1. there so cheap just buy another one just to be on the safe side. its probably just going to be really stale though.

  2. Nothing too bad will really happen unless there's deffinite mold in it. You might just get a stomach ache afterwards.

  3. Coming straight from a Chef= common sense is it discolored smell funny taste funny dont eat it!

  4. Depending on the brand of the noodle it may taste no worse than if it was only packaged 6 months ago.

    Really its your choice if u eat it. Mix it up, have a taste, if its foul throw it away.

    Its white flour and The flavoring etc is not good for you anyway so what does it matter if its one day old or 366? But it fills a hole in your stomach, right?

  5. Man up and eat it!  Everyone should eat some expired stuff now and then.

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