
What happened in the Russia-Georgia conflict?

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Everything I've looked at only tells me about how it escalated. I want to know how the conflict started and what happened.




  1. Militarily?  See link below.

  2. Pretend Georgia is America and Ossetia is Arizona. The Mexicans want Arizona back, Arizonans tell America to pound sand and secede. America sends troops in to overthrow the Arizonan leadership and return Arizona to the United States. As they do this Mexico, who has massed troops and tanks on their border, rush in and fight off American troops. They then roll into New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and set up shop. Now they have signed a cease fire and been asked to move back into Mexico. Instead they roll down to Houston, Texas and seize the ports.

    This is an analogy of what has happened to this point. The Russians have made a huge mistake as their neighbors, intent on not provoking Russia, wouldn't allow American ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) defense batteries on their borders with Russia. Now they can't trust Russia, so they've agreed to have our systems installed as a first line of defense against a foolhardy Russia.

  3. Russia has nothing to do with this. The conflict is between Georgia and South Ossetia - the latter decided to split from Georgia and Saakashvilly (Georgian president) of course didn't want that so he opened fire and shot South ossetian village people.

  4. I do not know exactly how it got started but I think it's really stupid Russia is over there fucl{in around with Georgia it's just not fair at all.

  5. Russia is trying to save the influence on Post soviet Republics, but these republics invaded 90-70 years ago Know know price of Russian hegemony and slavery and are trying to escape it by becoming NATO members, they hope that NATO will Protect them.

    If you See National Interests Of Russia, Proved By Duma in 2001 you'll see on statement, that Russians National interest is to become center in multipolar World and spread its influence on Caucasus, Eastern Europe and they central Asia.

    In fact National interests of Post soviet Countries (about becoming NATO members) intervenes with Russians National Interest and that causes Conflict (war). If these countries Become NATO member than Russia won't have any influence and will lose it's national interest, that is most important think for any country.

    Russia Claims to be Democratic (according to Freedom house it's democracy level is quite Poor and is falling every year),so it can't just go in another country and invade it (spread influence by putting there puppet government) and is seeking for reasons or Creating Reasons. Russia Provocated Georgia By killing it's Soldier in S. Ossetia conflict Region and by shooting Georgian Villages in the Region. Georgian government lost Temper and responded on aggression. Russia had already prepared militaries as was planning this provocation long before and began invading Georgia, it's main Roads, Railways, ports..

    Russia Hoped to:

    1) Overthrow Democratic government and put their puppets Loyal to PutMed.

    2) Underline the fact that it has a power and Russians Militaries are strong enough to conquer a country (in this case Tiny Georgia)

    3) Show Nato that they are to accept Country with serious threats that puts hole Nato to threat and in this way frighten tham.

    4) To Show the world that only pipeline that doesn't cross Russia and goes to Europe through Georgia isn't as safe as thay sought.

    Russia is becoming Evil Empire and if it won't be able to satisfy it's ambitions and appetite as a revenge probably will become partner with Iran and N. Korea (they sell lot's of Armour already there)

  6. The Americans and Euopean countries have got Russia to back off.


    This should explain it. See below...

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