
What happened in tropic thunder with r****d?

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i heard about people protesting against tropic thunder cuz it made fun of retards but how? did it say r****d? please tell me. or did it have a retarded person...personaly i think its stupid to protest against that they might as well protest against the dark knight cuz it made fun of people who like cards and like clowns.




  1. 1st of all your little batman analagy made no sense what so ever so ya. second of all if you had a DISABLED brother or sister you wouldnt want all these inconsiderate people going around saying r****d left and right so you think you would learn that that word is offensive to some people.

  2. Theres a scene where Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr talk about a movie Ben Stillers character did called "simple Jack" where he played a mentally challenged person, but they kept calling him a "r****d."  Thats why all the critics and people out there got sang in their vag and decided to protest...which was completely silly

  3. The problem I have with the protesters is that they seem to be missing the fact that the film is satire.  It's making fun of Hollywood, and the people in it.  The characters who have the "r****d" conversation are not meant to be especially lovable, nor are we expected to agree with a lot of the things they say.  It's making fun of those characters.  In a lot of ways, we're supposed to be laughing AT these arrogant, self-centered actors who don't realize how far away from reality they really are.  It's also making fun of the well-known fact that actors will often choose to play a disabled person because they want an Oscar - and the Academy tends to favor performances like that.  They consider themselves really brave for having actors portray them.  The film isn't disrespecting the mentally disabled - it is instead mocking the insular, self-centered world of Hollywood.    

    Now, some may believe that simply using a word like "retarded", no matter the context, perpetuates that sort of offensive speech since the word itself is one meant to degrade.  And I can understand that point of view, even if I disagree with it.  However, I don't think that was the complaint of most of the protesters - and most, if they have even seen the movie, seemed to have completely missed the point of the movie.  And they seem to wrongly believe that everything characters say and do reflects the writers/directors point of view and is condoned by them.  

    I believe that context is very important, and in the context of the film the usage of the word is not disrespectful to the disable community.  

    Basically, I think it would be a good thing if more of the protesters actually saw the film (and I've read lots of people complaining about it who openly admitted that they hadn't actually seen it) - and while satire can be easily misunderstood, I think most would be able to recognize it  and that would assuage most of their fears about the harmfulness of the film's impact.  If they understood the film's intentions they wouldn't be offended, and would realize they're attacking the wrong target.  Most of the reviews I've read from mentally disabled people who have actually seen the film said it was very funny, and not offensive.

  4. There was a line in the movie where the actors were talking about playing a retarded person in a movie, and RDJ says something like "Play it half-retarded. Never go full r****d." Naturally some people found this offensive, but I agree that there isn't much they can do about it. People will see the movie whether they protest it or not.

  5. its really stupid, they just said the word 'r****d' a lot

  6. its reference to 1 of Ben stiller's fake movies init he played a r****d in a film soo funny you gotta see it i think his name was jack i couldn't stop laughing when he says uuuu mmmaakkkeee meee hhhappppyyy



  7. One of the characters played a retarded character in the film. It was pretty funny. I dont know why every group has to feel victimized, if you cant laugh at yourself it is pretty sad.

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