
What happened on Big Brother USA tonight???

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All I know is that Jerry got HOH, what else happened tonight on Big Brother???? August 31, 2008!!!




  1. A brief T.V. Recap:

    Yes, *groan* Jerry won H.O.H. - to the dismay of the others, and me! Then he began to 'think', which is dangerous for Jerry. J/K.  He invited everyone up to his HOH room, and told another loooonnnnggg story, but they were all smiles and still awake.  He knows he's the outcast, so he waited for someone to approach him.

    Memphis knew he wanted to save himself and Dan, and Dan knew Jerry probably didn't trust him, so Memphis went up to talk to him.  Jerry made a deal with Memphis for the final 2, he thinks.. Told Memphis he wanted him and Memphis in there, and Memphis agreed without giving his word.

    At the nom. ceremony he (Jerry) put up Dan and Keesha - so he could see where everyone's loyalties supposedly lie.. Dan and Memphis are hoping One of them wins the P.O.V. to take Dan off..

    That's all I can tell you because you didn't state "Spoiler Info".. but if you want more Info.. Go here: She's about to update it, also but check out this blogspot, the best, IMO - IF you want more news and spoilers:

    By the way - I'm not trying to be mean to Jerry, because if you could see him on the "Live Feeds" - He really gets a kind edit on CBS.  He's not the same guy on the show as on the feeds, trust me!

  2. They show a lot of thursdays

    Jerry on HOH

    Show Memphis making a deal with him

    Jerry put up Keehsa and Dan

    That's it

    Tuesday they will show who won POV, and the POV meeting

    Since you did not ask, I will not tell

    If you want to know try this website

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