
What happened on "the secert life of the american teenager"??

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I can't believe i forgot it was on tonight. Please tell me what happened. I absoutely love this show- and I just seen the last few minutes where amy & grandma & mom were talking. Please, all the details :)




  1. Mimsy shows up unexpectedly. Anne was going to drive Amy up to Mimsy, but she couldn't wait so she came down on her own. Anne was admant that the girls not tell Mimsy that her and George are having they decide to tell Mimsy that George is at a furniture thing in North Carolina.

    Everywhere Ben goes, he sees Amy. He can't stop thinking about her even for a second. He goes in and sits in Mr. Molinas office (the guidance counselor) and Mr. Molina tries to convince him that he CAN stop thinking about Amy if he would just focus on other things.

    Ricky approaches Madison and asks her for Amys phone number and she is all like *I'm not giving it to you!!!! If Amy wanted you to have her number, she would've given it to you herself!!!* She just keeps saying this over and over again to him...and then he says to her *Wow!* She says *what?* And he proceeds to tell her she has really pretty eyes. She says thanks...and then shes like *Hey, stop that!* As she figured out he was only saying that to make her give him Amys number.

    She goes to Lauren and tells her that Ricky just tried to seduce her and Lauren is like NO WAY. Why would he try to seduce YOU? Then her and Madison get into a thing where they think they both want Rickys attention (when in fact they (Madison especially) jsut wants ANY guys attention. They end up mad at each other for awhile.

    Ben and his friend discuss masturbation and Ben says hes stopped doing it because he loves only Amy and that hes saving himself for her. Alice, Bens friends g/f (I can't think of his name...sorry!) then tells Ben and his friend that like 92% of guys m********e and 70-80% of girls m********e and this kinda sets Bens friend off because he never knew this about Alice. He then freaks even more wondering who it is that Alice is thinking about...when shes......anyway, it was funny because eventually Alice admits to her b/f that its HIM shes fantasizing about.....and Ben and her b/f realize that she was talking to them about this on the phone while she was in the car with her mother. She says its fine, its her mother....shes a therapist and they talk about EVERYthing....then she goes to leave Bens house and then she comes back really quickly and asks her b/f if he wants a ride home...with her mother....he says was so funny!

    Adrian is trying to find out who her father is. She goes to Mr. Molina and asks about her birth certificate which is in her permanent file. He won't help her he says....she can do it the right way and fill out the paperwork and wait four months to get a copy of her birth certificate. She ends up talking Jack into breaking into Molinas office and going through all his files and things to find it. Hes tipped off by the custodian that they are in his office so he comes in and confronts them and ends up giving Adrian a copy of her birth certificate. So now she can begin the process of locating her father.

    Mimsy and Amy announce that they've decided that Amy is going to have the baby and raise him or her. She says theres plenty of room in the house and Amy has so many people that love her, that it'll be so easy. She then proceeds to go to the silverware drawer in Amys kitchen and says *We can keep the baby in here for awhile but eventually we'll have to find somewhere a dresser drawer*....This is when the *complication* comes out. Turns out Mimsy has Alzheimers and isn't capable of taking care of Amy throughout the pregnancy as she has known this for awhile....shes already sold her house and is living in an assisted living facility. She tells Amy that she is sorry, but she really isn't a *taking care of people kinda person* and besides, she wants to travel and see the world before she can't remember everything.....

    The last thing that happens is that Madison goes to see Amy and she finds her crying in her room. Madison thinks its because shes leaving to go with Mimsy...but Amy tells her shes not going anywhere. Lauren then calls and talks to Amy for a minute and then her and Madison apologize to each other and Lauren tells her she knows someone that wants to go out with her. Her brother then takes the phone from her and proceeds to ask Madison out. Of course Madison is estatic about this and says YES!

    Next weeks previews show Ben and Amy at school together...Madison and Laurens brother in a car together...and after tonight...theres only two episodes left until the season finale....

    SUch a good show!

  2. mimsy (the grandma) came to amys house to surprise her and take her back home and she convinced amy to keep the baby (not adopt) but amys mom doesnt want her to keep the baby, then mimsy was explaining to amys mom that there was plenty of room in this house for a baby and she opened up the silverware drawer and said 'see you can fit him in here till he out grows it' and well it turns out she has alzhmiers so now amy cant stay with her grandma so amys staying home.

    amys mother told mimsy that frank was in north carolina on some furniture thing because she didnt want mimsy to know about their problem, but in the end mimsy knew it was a lie and now knows about their relationship.

    amys father is now sleeping in his store and thats pretty much it with him...

    ben (amys bf) keeps having hallucinations of amy at school because he misses her and feels miserable but in the end he finds out shes staying home and is happy...

    amys friends... the red haired friend (idk her name so ill call her red) well ricky comes up in the hallway to her and asks for amys number but she doesnt give it too him and then she tells lauren (the other friend) that he was trying to seduce her to get amys number, which wasnt true, and then lauren and red got in an agrument over who was hotter (because ricky didnt ask lauren for amys number) so red and lauren both start dressing S****y and try to get rickys attention and all that but after awhile they realise how stupid their being and become friends again...

    mimsy is going to go on a trip to europe...she told amy she wont go if amy needed her but amy told her to go...

    marissa (i think thats her name, the one who likes ricky) she now wants to find out who her father is but doesnt want her mothers help so she goes to the counselor looking for help, she doesnt know her fathers name so she trys to get her birth certificate from the counselor but he wont give it to her becasue she has to first fill out some paperwork and then wait 4 months, but she doesnt want to wait 4 months so she gets jake (i think thats his name, the one who dated gracie) and they both brake into school and go through the counselors paperwork but the counselor catches them (the secruity gaurd tipped him off) they argue a little and then he gives in and gives marissa her birth certificate, now since jake helped marissa and since shes 'friends' with gracie now shes supposed to pay him back by trying to get gracie to like jake again..

    ricky goes over to gracies to try and vent about the whole baby situation but gracie leaves ricky and her brother alone so her brother can tell ricky that he was adopted too, that his father ran away once finding out about his condition and how his mother died (idk of what) and so gracie thought that since they shared that about themselves then ricky would share to her about his parents, but he didnt

    I think thats it....

    sorry if i wrote it confussingly!

    also they air it again later on tonight!!

  3. Amy's grandma has altimer's so amy isnt going to be staying with her anymore

    Hope I helped (:

  4. I love it too!

    Well, Mimsy has Alzheimer's and she sold her house, so Amy cannot go with her. Lauren and Madison get in a fight for both wanting Ricky to want them, although neither like him*. Then they make up when they realize how S****y they were acting and that their friendship is worth more than any guy. I think Adrian wants to find out who her dad is, and she and Jack sneek into the counselor's office for her permanent record since the school district knows who her father is but she doesn't. Also, Jack agrees to help her since Adrian is "sort of" friends with Grace and she promised him to help him get back together with Grace. They get caught by the counselor, but the counselor (Marco Medina) helps Adrian out anyways. Grace and her brother try to get to know Ricky by allowing him to know their family more closely. Ricky is surprised and, I dare say, touched, by how Grace's brother confided in him. Oh! And Lauren's brother Jason asks Madison out and she accepts. And you saw the last minutes, but I'll tell you anyways. It was just the conversation I mentioned in the beginning and that Mimsy is going to Europe, and Ben calls and has a hallucination of Amy as she tells him she is not going anywhere. I saw the second half but I managed to catch up. They show it tonight again at eleven. The next episode seems like gold though!

    *Lauren and Ricky kiss in the preview! And is Adrian's father AMY's father? So many questions and we have to wait....

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