
What happened on the Kentucky Derby? I missed it. Did a horse brake a leg? What happened?

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What happened on the Kentucky Derby? I missed it. Did a horse brake a leg? What happened?




  1. The horse broke both her front two ankles. they had to put her to sleep. it was real sad.

  2. Eight Belles, the only filly, came in second and then broke both ankles. They euthanized her on the track.

  3. OMG! so like after the race it seemed like a long time for them not to put up the results and i was like "ok come on now" and then all you see is Eight Belles on the ground and the reporter is saying she's hurt. then the announcer says they had to put her to sleep because she collapsed and broke two ankles and there was no way to fix her. it was soo sad. R.I.P Eight Belles

  4. Oh, boy.  Eight Belles placed second, then she broke her two front legs, so they euthanized her on the track.

  5. Eight Belles (Spelling?) the only philly in the race broke both her front ankle bones (I Don't know the technical term) after crossing the finish line in second place and had to be put down in the horse medical trailer within a few minutes of the injury.

  6. Eight Belles, the filly, ran her heart out. At the wire, she started galloping funny, so the jockey started to pull her up. Then she collapsed, and broke both fetlocks.

  7. the only female horse broke both of it's ankles. put to sleep. :(

  8. Big Brown won the race and the fillie broke her two front ankles and they had to euthenize her on the spot! sad!! :(

  9. i don't know what happened, but the next time yahoo bans me i'm returning with the name eight balles in memory of the horse.  by the way: does anyone have any glue?

  10. Yes sadly enough the one female horse in the race broke both of her front ankles. There was nothing that could be done, if it had just been one then there would have been a chance they could have fixed her up but not with 2 broke. She wouldn't have 3 good legs to support her body weight on. She did an outstanding job, she came in second in one of if not the hardest horse race. She gave her best and then some, it's a shame that happened but she had to be put down. If she could have been saved she would have been. It really is sad.

  11. here is what happend

    Big Brown wins; Eight Belles breaks down

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    By Maryjean Wall

    Big Brown, left, won the Kentucky Derby by 4 3/4 lengths, a race marred with tragedy after the only filly in the race, Eight Belles, lost her life. The filly was euthanized on the track after breaking both front ankles. It was not known immediately whether the filly, who finished second to Big Brown, broke her ankles in the race or while pulling up.

  12. Big Brown finished first today at the Derby.  Eight Belles, the only filly in the race, finished second, but unfortunately broke her two front ankles right after she crossed the wire and had to be euthanized within minutes of the finish.

  13. the favorite Big Brown,won easily.

    the only fillie in the race came in second,broke its two front legs after the race and was euthanized on the track.

  14. Yes I just read about it in this question;;...

  15. yeah according to yahoo!,

    "She had broken both front ankles and could not be saved."

    However, she won. When she was about to be taken to the ambulance, they realized that it would be extremely painful for her to be carried, so, she was euthenized.

    sad story.

  16. The favorite, Big Brown, in post 20 won easily by  4 1/2 lenthes. The only filly, Eight Belles, ran her heart out, and came in second. After the race Eight Belles went down because she broke both her front legs. She was put down on the track. Recapturetheglory's jocky was bucked off in the tunnel going to the post, Big Brown's jocky fell when Brown spooked and Eight Belles collapsing behind him.

  17. Big Brown won the derby and Eight Belles, the only filly in the race came in second.  Unfortunately, Eight Belles went down right after crossing the finish line.  It was discovered she had broken both ankles in her front legs.  She had to be euthanized there on the track. Broken ankles (or anything) on a horse is very painful for the horse and there is not a good chance at recovery for two broken bones.  They called the horse ambulance and took her away.

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