
What happened on this day in 1928?

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What happened on this day in 1928?




  1. Tesco opened their first self scan checkouts

  2. mc donalds was invented

  3. UFOs landed and took over every government job going in this world, thats why they dont know how this planet should be run!! Who wants them to go back to whence they came and fast, before it's too late?

  4. many people farted and it smelled

  5. the summer started.

  6. How strange,did 1928 even happen,wikipaedia has what happened on the 21st June every year except 1928,I cant find anything that happened on that date that year anywhere.

  7. type 21 june 1928 into wikipedia

  8. Quite a bit according to the refernces listed on Wikipedia.  Hope you enjoy reading, there is quite a bit to look at here.

  9. Scotch Mist was born

  10. A world crisis?

  11. Teaching theory of evolution forbidden in Atlanta GA schools

  12. Maurice Sendak was born, national skateboarding day, summer solstice and longest day of the year.

  13. The sun came up and then went down.

  14. War was 'outlawed'.

    June 21 1928 - France's Aristide Briand submits his draft treaty for outlawing war. It is later signed as the Kellogg-Briand Pact by most of the world's countries.

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