
What happened that made the french and english people have a wall between them?

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was it something about their king loves their queen?




  1. It is just traditional that EVERY country in europe hate england! Thats why we never win in eurovision

  2. both of them have big head i think thats why they behave like children! lol

  3. Economic nationalism and colonialism.

  4. No its traditional that we don't get on with the french. Lots of wars etc.

  5. They are probably too much alike.  They may be fighting for the same niche in the world: Powerful Europeans who look down on everyone else.

  6. royal rivalry

  7. The English got rid of the Scottish royals who were French in origin. Then they put English royals in their place.

  8. Not a wall, a channel.  they didn't have a lot of choice in the matter...just the geography of it all.  Sort of the nature of islands, and all.

  9. It's not a wall, it's the sea.

  10. In 1066 one part of the French invaded Anglo-Saxon/Viking England and feudalised it. Wouldn't you be a bit burnt off if that happened to you? Especially since the Norman French invaders persisted in being and speaking French for 300 plus years afterwards? Something we Australians understand because the English did the same thing to us in 1788.

    There are diametrically opposed philosophies as well, the French have one religion and 300 sauces, the English have one sauce and 300 religions.

    They are far more apart than 20 miles of salty water indicates

  11. There were problem prior to 1066 and you can't say that attitudes in the last 200 years have been because of the Normans.

    Take the Norman invasion, for instance. William of Normandy (who became William the Conquerer) was already chosen to become the next King of England by Edward the Confessor and had a blood claim to the throne of England. When Edward the Confessor died, Harold the Earl of Wessex claimed the throne instead. And that is why William invaded England. It isn't the cause of the unrest between the French and English. If anything, the Normans did a lot to help strengthen England.

    If you were going to choose one event (and I wouldn't), a more likely one would be the wars of Henry IV, V and VI over England's claim to rule France. When Henry V won the battle of Agincourt, King Charles of France allowed him to marry his daughter, Katherine de Valois. By the Treaty of Troyes, he was named Regent and Heir of France. That meant that once King Charles of France died, the throne of France would go to the Ruler of England who would now be the ruler of England and France. Unfortunately, Henry V died not long after and left an infant son as King Henry VI. So everything sort of fell apart.

    As I said before, I don't think it was one event that did it. I think it is just because the two countries are so close together. They have often had political, religious, economic, social and cultural disagreements.

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