
What happened that night?

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I have weird experiences sometimes; especially involving my sister and especially when I am asleepor coming out of sleep. This one night I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to get up and it felt like somebody slammed me back onto the bed; like they had their hands on my chest.I started to freak out and tried to scream but I couldn't and then it put its hand on my mouth. After it did that I wasn't scared though; I felt like it was trying to calm me down and get me to focus on something; it wanted me to do something. It turned me over to the side of my bed and I had to "drive" myself out of this "feeling" I had; I can't explain that part. I talked to my sister two days later and she said that night she had drank way too much and was lying in the back seat of a car after puking until she was puking up green stuff and at one point she thought she was dying. I had an uncle who died ten years ago of alcohol poisoning; he choked on his vomit. What happened?




  1. It was your drunk sister!

  2. that must be the ghost of your house. maybe your uncle or another spirit. 3 years ago, my mother just like you. Her body can't move and she feel heavy. After few minutes, she saw a woman ghost came out from the room.

    But don't worry, that think can't kill you. They must want to warn you about something that will happen.

  3. Yes, what you described does sound like sleep paralysis. I do believe in paranormal things, but in this case it sounds like sleep paralysis. I think it may have been your first time experiencing it, and then it coincided with your sister's problem. You may have been looking to find a reason for the experience you had. Alcoholism does run  in families, and it sounds like your sister would be a candidate for more problems down the road. I hope you reach out and offer her  a reality check on her situation. Again, yes I believe in paranormal things, but this sounds like everything has an explanation. Good luck on your journey in life!!

    Also, it is amazing how some people insist a demon is responsible for everything and just surrounding yourself with white light or some chant or some cleansing will "do the trick". They seem to me to be generic answers by people. Things are not that simple when dealing with the real McCoy.

  4. What you describe sounds like sleep paralysis.  I've had it happen once when I was young, probably early teens.  I was asleep for some time and woke up but felt like something was on top of me holding me down, and I couldn't move or say anything.  When sleeping your body produces a hormone that shuts off your muscles which prevents you from acting out your dreams. When you are woken suddenly this hormone doesn't wear off in time, and you are lying there awake and aware but can't move or speak.

    Religious fanatics will try to tell you it was a demon, but from what I've noticed only they fear and experience that stuff.  I'm not an atheist but more like agnostic or naturalist.  I don't acknowledge any god or any kind of evil santa, I mean satan.  There is no reason for evil to come after me. The way I see it, the more you believe in evil, the more power you give it.

    btw, I DO believe in ghosts and have seen enough evidence online and on tv specials (Ghost Hunters) to see that they are real.  Although I have never experienced anything.  Yes I'm somewhat afraid of anything lurking in the shadows, but I'd rather it be Casper!  I want to experience/see a friendly ghost or a remaining spirit.  

    Anyway, enough nonsense, here's a Wikipedia entry that explains a bit more about sleep paralysis.

  5. I think you and your sister might have been drugged.  Spirits and or ghosts cannot assert much physical force such as pushing you down on the bed  and holding your b*****s and throat.  Ghosts are just too ethereal. `They do not have the mass to physically force a human to do anything.

    You might have been drugged and sexually molested .  I think you should seek a councilor or therapist , particularly a hypnotist trained in this area

    sorry about my opinion.  It just jumped out at me in reading your story..

    aped.  I really think

  6. it was probably just any kind of spirit that you let into your home. just ask for it to not return if you don't want it too. also put white light on yourself. if you don't know how to do that you could either imagine a shower of white light washing out anything negative or a small white piolet light in your stomach that then grows to cover your whole body. ask for why it happened over and over again. to yourself or outloud. ask for the answers it will eventually come to you

  7. u must have been dreaming!


    Strangley my sister has it, too! When I described my episodes to her she freaked and said, "I get that, too!" Then I freaked! What really amazed me was that we both hear a loud "buzzing" sound during paralysis and we both sense an intense evil presence!

    When I have it, sometimes can be lying there wide awake just before I go to sleep. As I start to drift off to sleep, the buzzing sound wakes me up and I can't move! The best way I can describe it is it's like being a frog under a running lawn mower....the buzzing is so loud, yet I can't move to get away from it! I then scream at the top of my lungs but ony a tiny squeak comes out that my wife can hear. She then shakes me out of it. I sometimes can talk my way out of it (in my mind) by commanding the phenomenon to leave in Jesus' name.

    Weird, eh?

    Your particular experience sounds like sleep paralysis combined with a dream/nightmare.

  9. This is not some kind of a sleep paralysis. It was really your uncle's soul. He wanted you not to save your sister that night when she was drunk & was subjected to alcohol poisoning. Believe me. I'm not kidding. Since he died in that way, he wanted someone else to die in that way. But that time his mind changed thinking that it was his own relative and he let your sister live.

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