
What happened the the Top Ten Answerers?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i love being on top ;)

  2. Never have paid attention to it. It has not been accurate for over 7months.Have not seen it for a while now.

  3. Since your Cutemum2 account was suspended, maybe the YA people took you off the list?

  4. 10,9,8,7,6......

  5. I don't know are they gone ?

  6. they are being punished for insubordination.

    half are raking my leaves, other half are painting my house.

  7. yeah not sure sorry

  8. hopefully they dumped it

    with some users over inflating their accounts with

    bogus accounts to give themselves top scores

  9. don't know never looked at it since Ive joined cutemum

    p.s imuwunda i gave you a best answer 5 Q. ago

  10. You must be on the Australian Y!A....if you go down to all the little flags on the bottom of the page, click on th USA flag and you'll see the Top 10 again.

  11. What do you mean?

    No-one ever selects my answers as the best so I am never in that bracket!!

  12. i dont know i really dont pay attention to things like that

  13. Oh, I thought Judas Rabbi had crushed everyone. I once click on the leader board and he was the first one.



  14. they are tied up in my basement....hehehe

  15. you went off, cutemum, that happened to my original romper stomper that i lost, it had 25 best answers from memory, about 7th at that time. lost all them, the best answers that mean the most are the ones awarded from other regulars that are good answerer's themselves.

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