
What happened to Chris Benoit? Did he commit suicide or it was a murder? Did he kill his wife and children too

by Guest61168  |  earlier

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What happened to Chris Benoit? Did he commit suicide or it was a murder? Did he kill his wife and children too




  1.    The information released seems to indicate a case of murder/suicide. There has been something of a blackout on information about the case, so its impossible to say that we know the facts. However, the story told is plausible, given what we know about Benoit and the drugs he was purportedly taking. Without being able to view all the facts, we simply won't know. But 've not heard of any alternative theories that explain what we do know, so I'll accep the official version until contradicting evidence surfaces.

  2. He killed his family and then himself.  They think it was a case of 'Roid Rage.  From his suspected steroid use.

  3. There is very little doubt, beyond conspiracy theories, about what happened to the Benoit family. Chris Benoit killed his wife then sufficated his son then killed himself.

    There are a number of explanations as to why he did this but these are the two most frequently used.

    The first is "roid rage", meaning that he was hooked on drugs and used too many and became angry and killed his family out of that anger then killed himself after realising what he had done. However experts in the medical community have said that if it were roid rage everbody in that house would have died in one night as roid rage doesn't last all that long but Benoit killed his wife on the Friday or Saturday, his son on the Sunday and himself on the Monday so there are holes in that explanation.

    The second one is that he had brain damage of some kind that had been undiscovered for many years due to the amout of bumps he had taken in the ring and the amount of chairshots to the head he had taken. The hole in this is that Benoit was not one of the most active hardcore wrestlers and there are many more who have had taken worse bumps or chairshot than him more frequently but they haven't tried to kill their loved ones...but that is of course only a minor hole as not everybody is effected the same way by everything.

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