I happen to be a big Chris Rock fan and was watching that show. Heres how I remember it went down;
Chris says, "white people are prejudice, they don't like ni**ers" and the crowd went wild jumping up and down cheering and fist pumping. He said, "Hispanic people are prejudice too, they don't like ni**ers either" and the crowd had the same reaction. He then said, "but the most prejudice people are ni**gers. You could hear the crickets churping then. He said "yeah, that's right. Ni**ers are the most prejudice people, they don't like white people, they don't like Hispanic people. Ni**ers don't like ni**ers".
He was scheduled to MC the MTV Music Awards a couple of months later but was limited to a cameo appearance.
So, I guess the question should have been.....Chris Rock where are you?