
What happened to Edge after SummerSlam?

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I didn't watch this weeks Raw or Smackdown but I take it after that brutal h**l in a Cell match against Undertaker at Summerslam, Edge got chokeslammed through the ring, and then fire started coming up from under the ring!! Remember, Edge was still under the ring, so does that mean that he was burned? Imagine if he actually was burned, this means that we could have seen the last of Edge! Maybe The Rated R Superstar's career is over!!




  1. First off Im a huge wrestling fan, but WWE Is fake...He didnt get 'burned'. Also, He is an AMAZING wrestler, but because of the storyline he acted really silly, and Didnt wrestle to the degree that he could, talent wise.

    Also, why didnt you watch Smackdown or Raw? Smackdown was good, two new superstars came - The coming of R - Truth that has been built up with, and this girl called Brie Bella.

    But yeah, Edge will probberbly come back, but I have NO idea when. P.S. I hate edge, but as a wrestler you just have to respect the guy.

  2. Hes roting in h**l!

  3. i watched summerslam but i didnt watch it neither. wikipedia didnt say anything either. but i just guess edge has some broken ribs or something like that

  4. This is Sports Entertainmment and this is a storyline. The h**l In A Cell Match at Summer Slam between Edge and the Undertaker was physically very brutal and included: tables, ladders, chairs, steel steps, the cage itself and Edge spearing the Undertaker and knocking down one of the walls of the h**l In A Cell. I think it was one of the best h**l In A Cell Matches ever and ranks right up there with Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker and Mankind vs. the Undertaker. Someday WWE should just put together DVD's of h**l In A Cell and Elimination Chamber Matches. That being said Edge has wrestled for the WWE for 10 years. He has had spinal fusion surgery and has accumulated an assortment of injuries over the years. I think he is taking time off to heel some of those injuries. He deserves it. He has wrestled is many of the most brutal matches in WWE History over the last 10 years. No Edge's career isn't over, he'll be back when he is good and ready.  

  5. He went to h**l where he belongs

  6. Actually i doesn't care about edge i think every body hates him

  7. who cares

  8. It's a storyline.

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