
What happened to Gavin Henson and do you think he is still a world class player?

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What happened to Gavin Henson and do you think he is still a world class player?




  1. He never was a world class player, seriously, what has he done? One kick against England. He's more interested in becoming the David Beckham of rugby than playing it.

  2. He was injured all last season...but he should play tommorrow Ospreys V Worcester...

    He has come back from numerous injuries ok and the games he has played in this year - he has looked worthy of his place...

    What hapenned too him essentially was Clive Woodward wrecked his confidence by picking a 1/4 fit Johnny instead of the centre - for the lions. He left the tour in 2005 injured like the rest of the welsh players, had a disasterous six nations, was played out of position by lynne jones and it has been a battle against injuries and lack of form for two years..He should be back in .in the welsh squad in time for the next six nations..


    Ohhh I's a bash gavin henson which case when gavin was between 18 and 22 he was a truly superb rugby player...I have seen him win matches single handedly many many times..for both Swansea and The Ospreys..The kid is complete class..and no doubt will be again. He has had c**p advice and has played at being a celebrity and i realy hate all that c**p...but he is now in a highly competitive team where there is no room for bullshit...and if he can cut it - (like he did today) after so many injuries and of luck to him.

  3. Can't hack it in my opinion.Been played out of position should have made him stronger he's proved he's just a whinging little girl who likes the high life.

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