
What happened to Ian Torpedo Thorpe???

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At the 2004 Olympics the swimmer Ian Thorpe was busy blasting records and gaining gold medals like they were going out of style. No mention of him at all at this years Olympics- some second rater called Michael Phelps is helping himself to the spoils. Whatever happened to the Torpedo?




  1. I believe he retired in 2004 and now coaches

  2. He got fat and retired. He now does awful Uncle Tobey's commerical's though! If he was still in shape, I would of liked to see him in Beijing, in previous races Thorpey beat Micheal Phelps, so perhaps he wouldn't of gotten so many medals? It would of been interesting though.  

  3. Thorpe was the greatest Middle distance swimmer ever, reited now, resting those size 21 flippers of his.

  4. He realised how horrible his hair looks and refuses to feature in any more public appearances.

    Also, he realised how much a better swimming hero Phelps is and went into hiding.

  5. He was at the Olympics, he said that Phelps would not win 8 gold medals........I wonder if anyone asked him to comment on that.

  6. Second rater? I believe that the two have competed and it was always exciting. Mike showed promise and gold then too. Thorpe's retired (to much controversy, google it) and was talking trash about how Phelps wouldn't win them all, we it's safe to say that he's watching on the sidelines now. And if you think Phelps is second rate then you haven't been watching swimming that long.

  7. Did you miss the whole fiasco where he "fell" off the starting block?

    From memory, he didn't qualify for either the 06 Commonwealth Games, or the 04 Olympics (can't remember which). Someone (forgot who, lol) actually gave up their spot on the team so Thorpe could go.

    After that he retired.

  8. He took a 1 year break after the Athens Games. After a brief return he retired from the sport in 2006, because of a lack of motivation.

  9. he drowned in all his glory

  10. He retired. He used to beat Phelps so it would be interesting to see them race now

  11. he retired. he was at the Olympics as a spectator watching phelps though  

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