
What happened to John McCain's love child?

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The Bush election accused John McCain of having an illegitimate love child - which destroyed his chances for the 2000 election.

What happened to that love child? I know that McCain disproved it, but now he's kissing George W. Bush's cheek - why? Does McCain have any pride - or is he supporting Bush because it will get him elected?




  1. no need for the correction, you were right the first time.  It will get him elected.

    I think your Freudian slip is showing.

  2. McCain would make out with Satan if it would get him elected.  It seems all has been forgive.  He even sucked up to Jerry "the agent of intolerance" Falwell before he finally died last year.

    And don't forget that it was a "black love child."

  3. he's the dem candidate  

  4. i don't recall that...sounds like somthing you just made up...what a mean little person you must be..

  5. That would be his wife?

  6. McCain is senile, brain damaged, suicidal. incompetent warmongering degenerate who belongs in the nut house instead of the White House.

  7. Yes you are right, Rove was behind the smear and yes it is strange that McCain would embrace the men who psychologically damaged his step-child but hey that's a Republican for you.

  8. I'm not sure what happened, but I don't think McCain's illegitimate black child would approve of the smear tactics he's using against Obama.

  9. More smear. He adopted a child. No love child.

  10. Named her Blim?

  11. / This is a lie.

    The Bush administration never accused McCain of that, nothing like that destroyed McCain's chances for the 2000 election.

    (un)Nice Try!

  12. Obviously since you answered your own question, you are well aware that McCain does not have a love child.  This question is not worth the time you took to type it.

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