
What happened to Mike Waltrip last weekend???

by  |  earlier

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He lead a lap to get 5 points, then just before they went back to Green, he ducked off the track and didn't return. I tried looking it up, but could not locate anything.




  1. The same thing that happens to MWR EVERY WEEKEND. Seems they break alot of parts. NAPA re-signed for next year too. Amazing that an auto parts company wants to be associated with a team that has parts failure of all things almost every week. No offense to MWR fans (I think MW is a great person--I have met him a few times) but his team needs a four leaf clover, a horse shoe, something. Maybe a new auto parts company???? Just an opinion.

  2. No offense to Waltrip fans,, but he has seen his better day, He is just

    not that great of a driver, he needs to retire.

  3. Well, it was an engine failure.   Though honestly, it was the same as every week-end  - he is a washed up talentless driver.   He used to be able to hide behind the "Toyota is still new and will improve" excuse - not anymore - look what Shrub is able to do in a Toyota ...

  4. His engine blew. They mentioned it right before one of the manyyyyyy cautions. He led a lap by staying out when all of the others pitted.  

  5. they said it was engine related

  6. Supposedly his engine let go. He probably missed a shift and over revved it. Mikey was my favorite driver, but he sure has gone downhill fast. That's a pun.

  7. He is having some bad luck these past few weeks.

    Engine failure last week.

    Hopefully his luck will change in the next few.

  8. The same thing the happens every weekend that Mike rides in his Cup car. I am amazed that NAPA has not dropped him yet.

  9. he blowed

  10. i think it was engine failure

  11. he blew his engine , no pun intended

  12. He blew his engine on the first few green laps so his Toyota went very slow. When the caution came out and everyone pitted for gas and tires, Waltrip stayed out for 5 bonus points. Then when they went back to green, he went to the garage to fix the engine.

  13. He didn't have enough money for gas !

  14. Yea, he was blowing up right before that caution happened... So, when everybody pitted, he stayed out to lead for the 5 pts, then took his car to the garage... Makes sense to stay out for the 5 free points, since his car was about to blow up anyways...  

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