
What happened to Spray n' Wash's Stain Stick?

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I bought three of them a couple of years ago, and it was like a little miracle! It got all the oil stains out of my clothes with ease! I ran out recently, and bought three more, which now say they are 'formulated with Resolve', and now they don't take the oil stains out anymore. Anybody else have this problem with this product? I have changed nothing else with my laundry.

I did find I could get the stains out IF I stain sticked both sides of the stain, and IF I washed them in hot and IF I washed them with liquid detergent - but not every stain came out, and not every article of clothing is going to wear well with such treatment.




  1. I use this product too and I to am happy with it.  I recently ran out and couldn't find it at my local grocery store, but I did however find it at a super walmart.  Good luck with your search.

  2. Beware of labels that say "New, improved" - it usually means they switched to cheaper ingredients.  It may be what happened here.  Also, don't assume the business stands behind its product or cares about its reputation:  the way our business runs now, someone carves out a niche market and then gets bought off (successful) or run off (failed).  The ones bought off may then be dropped, as unwanted competition, gutted for profits, continued without support (what often occurs when markets are saturated:  being a successful product can insure that product's failure).

    My mom got me started on Spray 'n Wash and Biz in '60's or '70's, and I've seen a lot of change.  I can hardly find Biz anymore, and it isn't the same.  I don't want the newest and latest product, I want the one that works!  America doesn't seem to be about that anymore, just a marketing strategy.

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