
What happened to Texas after that chainsaw experience?

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The one on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie




  1. The truth is, it's just a movie.

    How much of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is based on the real life murderer Ed Gein?

    "Sort of"

  2. I think they Bar B qued a few dozen church school Kids Down in Waco a few years back.

  3. That question made me laugh hard! Hope it was meant for humor purposes only! I don't think the movie was based on a true story, but i'm only speculating.

  4. Democrats started clamoring for chainsaw control. Waiting periods, back ground checks, a limit on how many teeth the chain could have.

    Assault chainsaws were outlawed and now only outlaws have assault chainsaws.

    There were serious attempts by democrats to over turn the right to keep and bear chainsaws, but they all failed when the democrats lost the next 4 elections.

    There is still an active organization called "Chainsaw Control Inc." but mostly it is made up of liberal kooks.

    Many cities have attempted to sue the chainsaw manufactures due to crimes commited with chainsaws but they have all failed.

    Chainsaws are a terrible problem in the inner cities due to gangs. But in the rest of the country, the recreational use of chainsaws for hunting and target practice is up.

    Both Democrat candidates are calling for reasonable controls on chainsaws to protect the children.

  5. It never happened. Not real.

    Like Psycho and Silence of the lambs it owes some of its origins to serial killer Ed Gein in the fifties.

    Google his name for more info.

    And remember- films are films. reality is reality. Sometimes the lines get a little blurred, but use your head once in a while, and you'll be fine.

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