
What happened to Tony Reali??

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Tony Reali, "Stat Boy," on the greatest show on TV (PTI on ESPN @ 5:30) was not on his show, Around the horn, today, and hehasn't shown up as "Stat Boy" on PTI. This reminds me of when Max Kellerman left ESPN. There have been no stories about him leaving the station, but I smell something fishy. Is this a contract thing? Did he get in trouble (ESPN has strict public behavior clauses?) Is he on vacation? Hit me up on this one.





    please relate to this article...

    tony says in it that he is getting married in a few months and the article was from the end of may....i believe this might be where he is right now......

  2. Well Kobe (the dude above me) being a league MVP you should be able to make a phone call and get to the bottom of this for all of us?

    Ya... ESPN's line-ups and fill-in host are a bunch of hacks... I turned the station and watch Charmed on TNT

    By the way BRING BACK HEROLD REYNOLDS!!  Vina.. Blows he's a baby.. Young=t**d..  get someone that had a career please..?

    This just in Jose Bautista <worst baseball for the past 5 yrs>  will soon retire and go to work for ESPN

  3. i dont know

  4. i heard him say something about searching something on the computer during pti then telling wilbon and kornheiser  

    "i think my computer will now be confiscated by espn"   followed by laughing

  5. JA Adande said on PTI that reali was on vacation!!! thank the LORD!!! i really hope he comes back, he is the BOMB!

  6. i don't know where tony is,but i can not allow myself to watch if this homer sexual is taking his place !

    reali is god and his henchmen are wilbon and kornheiser

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