
What happened to all of the good Pringle chips?

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i go to the supermarket and all i see is pickle flavored Pringles and all of these other weird flavors.




  1. ive noticed that too..i saw some really weird ones lately..and im not buying them - chilli cheese and jalapeno flavor..yuck

  2. they still have sour cream and salt/vinegar

  3. because every other chip company is trying new things so they have to try and keep up also...  if you go to a walmart they still have the original flavors.

  4. pringles are awesome and my kids love them ....i think they are very creative and we love most of those weird wacky the same time i see all the classic flavors just as available...there is a huge market for them so thats why they keep going out on a limb keeping a fresh new idea in there product....yummy pringles!

  5. So so true! Who wants fried rabbit with onion flavour chips, i dont care if its fancy -- i like salt and vinegar. I bet all the Pringle people are sat in their offices eating all the good ones while we are stuck with thai dog with chilli flavour :(

  6. haha. Umm maybe the supermarket is all sold out of the good flavors!


    And I'm sure they want to keep the customers "interested" like the last person said!


  7. haha I love Pringles! But they have to keep the customers "interested" and not bored with the same flavors, so I guess that's the reason for all the weird flavors

  8. how can your question be (entertaning) i dont see what's wrong with any of the pringle they have come out with we by the pickle pringle all the time and the salt n vinagar one's to yummy

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  9. pickle flavored chips?!  ew!

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