
What happened to all the food mountains and lakes of milk and the tones of apples etc that the UE had created?

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with the stupid agricultural policies it had, when the French used to over produce to get paid for the waste, it all seems very odd to me as all of a sudden in a matter of a couple of months the whole world has nothing to eat , rich and poor, our government are really beginning to get to be surplus to requirements.




  1. Hello Mr Tony R.

    Given how the abominable, despicable and disreputable organisation that passes itself off as the EU friend 'one size fits all' dictatorship which is corrupt from the foundations to the chimney-stacks, I suggest that food mountains, wine and milk lakes are still alive and kicking all over Europe.

    In the same way as Robert Mugabe uses food as a political weapon to hang on to power by depriving those who need it but will only get it if they vote for him, the EU deliberatly and wantonly hold on to excess foods and liquids to ensure prices are kept artificially high and thus depriving everyone the right to cheap and nourishing food. It has been happening since 1972 when the dreadful Heath government took us in to the so-called European Economic Community. All EU farmers get subsidies to produce things and to then destroy them. If not, they're transported away and dumped so nobody can have them. This means we keep our food prices excessively high because much of it is destroyed. It could be sent to places like Ethiopia or Somalia but isn't. It is a disgrace of monumental proportions.This has been going on for nearly 36 years and unless there is a radical rethink of the stupidity of the European agricultural 'agreements' which usually favour the French who in turn stick two fingers up at the British, it will continue to flourish.

    Our own UK governments has been surplus to requirements since 1972 and are now nothing more than glorified 'County Councils' to the master dictatorship that has been created in Europe. Our weak, ineffective and pathetic Prime Ministers since Heath have actively encouraged this dictatorship to flourish without having to answer to its electorate. At least those fine citizens in the Republiv Of Ireland (Eire) were given the choice. We,and all the others,won't be.

    If Winston Churchill were alive now, he'd never put up with the way this country has been treated. At least, between 1900 and 1999, we had ONE truly great Prime Minister.

    Alan L.

  2. The milk lake evaporated when our farmers were paid to stop producing it, and were penalised if they had the temerity to over produce by one litre more than their allocated quotas. The apples and other fruit and veg were either too big, too small, or the wrong shape, so they were not grown any more, The beef got foot and mouth or mad cow disease, and were banned, the pigs had swine fever, the hens were produced by factory farmers, and the chefs complained, and the eggs were contaminated by salmonella. As for the fish, the Spanish caught them all. Does that answer your question?

  3. Don`t know about that one , possibly try the EU

  4. Oprah is binging again

  5. We cannot trust or beieve ANTHING that ANY political entity ANWHERE says or promises.!

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